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Then the young man, bending forward, whispered: "Gertie," he asked anxiously, "aren't you haven't you anything to say to me?" "I thought, perhaps, you had something to say to me, John." "I have. Gertie, I " There was a sound from above. Cousin Percy Hungerford, fully dressed and debonnair as always, was descending the stairs. "What's the row?" he drawled.

Ah," he murmured, again; "weak and erring though I undoubtedly am, I have a kinship with the living Christ. Yes, even such kinship as human worthlessness may have with infinite perfection. People will say to you about here, Miss Hungerford; 'Oh, never mind Godfrey Cradlebow.

Hungerford had invited Miss Dott to accompany him to a water-color exhibition at a neighboring studio. Gertrude said she thought she might accept the invitation, if the exhibition was to remain for a few days. "Is the artist a friend of yours?" she asked casually. "Oh, no," was the languid answer. "He's a queer old gink old chap, I mean whose work is quite the go about here recently.

For my heart stood still, and I was fain to clutch the table between us to keep me from falling. I think this did not escape him, for he gave me a sharp look, and then spoke very quiet and hush'd, "She was cruelly kill'd by highwaymen, at the 'Three Cups' inn, some miles out of Hungerford. The date given me is the 3d of December last."

Had he then gone out of the world in the garb of a mummer? Not altogether, for the false beard he had worn the night before lay beside the clothes. But this terrible earnestness of his would look strange in last night's disguise. I opened the packet addressed to Hungerford and myself, and saw that it contained a full and detailed account of his last meeting with his wife.

As Lord Oldborough was preparing to return to town, and likely to be engrossed by ministerial business, his lordship, with less reluctance, relinquished his company; and the Count, with infinite satisfaction, found himself established at once upon a footing of intimacy at Hungerford Castle.

In the mean time, the hours and days passed on most happily at Hungerford Castle. Every succeeding day discovered to him some new excellence in the object of his affection. Mrs. Hungerford, with judicious, delicate kindness, forbore all attempts to display even those qualities and talents in Caroline which she most valued, certain that she might safely leave them to the discernment of her lover.

Henceforth I shall be as straight as the sun, so help me Heaven and your love and forgiveness!" Hungerford paused, as if expecting me to reply; but, leaning forward on my knees and smoking hard, I remained silent.

Afterwards apprehended, Darell by some trick managed to defeat justice. A beautiful side excursion can be taken soon after leaving Ramsbury to Aldbourne, three miles from the Hungerford road. This small town, which boasts a fine church of much dignity and interest, is situated at the end of the lonely expanse of Aldbourne Chase.

"May I ask," said Count Altenberg, taking advantage of the first pause in the conversation "may I ask if I understood rightly, that Mrs. Hungerford, mother of Colonel Hungerford, lives in this neighbourhood, and is coming into the country to-morrow?" "Yes just so," said Lady Frances.