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I ran once more through all the house, calling the painters, but no one made answer; the inn-people stared at me, the postilion cursed, the horses neighed, and, at last, completely dazed, I sprang into the carriage, the hostler shut the door behind me, the postilion cracked his whip, and away I went into the wide world. We drove on now over hill and dale, day and night.

Thus reinforced, he rummaged every corner of the inn, and at last, finding the hostler in the stable, was by him informed, to his unspeakable mortification, that the gentleman and lady who arrived in the chaise, had immediately hired post-horses for a certain village at the distance of fifteen miles, and departed without halting for the least refreshment.

Residence. Destination. Prof. D.G. Brown, N.Y. City. Lecture in Tyre. 'Beautiful evening, sir, said the clerk, who was also the landlord, but not also the bar-tender and the hostler. 'You are right, sir, said I; 'it is truly a lovely evening. I have rarely seen moonlight so beautiful.

When we reached the Hotel de la Couronne, half an hour later, we saw that same chaise disappearing round a corner of the street, whilst through the porte-cochere the hostler was leading a pair of horses, foam-flecked and steaming with sweat. Whither went Master Canaples at such a rate, and in a haste that caused him to travel day and night?

Each stalk served as a perch for a grasshopper, which regaled the passers by through this Egyptian scene with its strident, monotonous note. For about seven or eight years the little tavern had been kept by a man and his wife, with two servants, a chambermaid named Trinette, and a hostler called Pecaud.

"I'll go up as hostler," said Tim, "but you just say in that there note that Tim Doyle pays his own way after he gets there." In that way it was settled. For some four days Tim appeared to enjoy it greatly. Most of his time he spent sitting on the pasture-fence, smoking his pipe and watching the grazing horses. To Chieftain alone he brought great bunches of clover.

He drained off his brandy, and sallied forth to confer with the hostler. "Well, my friend," said Mr. Grabman, for the traveller was no other than that worthy, "well, so you remember Mrs. Joplin more than twenty years ago, eh?" "Ah, she seems to have been a restless body. She had a child with her?" "Yees, I moind that."

Christ said once, "He that is greatest among you let him be your servant." Most people have taken it as if He had said: "He that is greatest among you let him be your valet. "He that is greatest among you let him be your butler. "He that is greatest among you let him be your hostler, porter, footman."

He has made, since September, a number of journeys, and he travels always with holsters to his saddle. Well, not long ago, I bribed the hostler of a tavern where I knew he was to sleep. I have seen the arms he carries. Two holsters, two pistols but the latter do not match! A different maker, a heavier weight, and the owner's name but indifferently etched.

Sometimes he paid in gold; sometimes in fresh bills, just out of the bank. He trusted his man, Mr. Paul, with the money to pay his bills. He knew something about horses; he showed that by the way he handled that colt, the one that threw the hostler and broke his collar-bone. "Mr. Paul come down to the stable. 'Let me see that cult you all 'fraid of, says he.