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For he found the surly innkeepers licked the very ground before him now; nor did a soul suspect the hosier's son in the count's feathers, nor the count in the minstrel's weeds. This seems to have surprised him; for he enlarged on it with the naivete and pomposity of youth.

William Blake, a hosier's son, employed himself in drawing designs on the backs of his father's shop-bills, and making sketches on the counter. Edward Bird, when a child only three or four years old, would mount a chair and draw figures on the walls, which he called French and English soldiers.

"I will take them to task for it, at least such of them as are women;" and the very next day she put on her hood and cloak and followed by Reicht, went to the hosier's house. Catherine received her with much respect, and thanked her with tears for her kindness to Gerard.

I leave my work as it stands, I come out of my hosier's stall, and I shout: 'To the sack? There is always some smashed cask at hand.

He took us to the road, and we proceeded on to a plantation where the people were in the woods working, to whom we went to inquire the way. The master of the plantation came to meet us, accompanied by his wife and a person who spoke high Dutch. The owner's name was Miller. We told him we wished to learn the road to Mr. Hosier's.

Such a League, even if limited to two hundred members, could by its concerted action exercise a very remarkable effect. Suppose we decided to attack profiteering. We should choose our shop a hosier's, let us say. Beginning on Monday morning, a member of the League would go in and ask to be shown some ties.

A curious change came over his face at the same time a change like that which had altered him so remarkably in the hosier's shop at Dibbledean. "Zack might, after all, have made many a worse friend than this man," thought Mr. Blyth, still attentively observing Mat. "Vagabonds don't behave in the presence of young girls as he is behaving now."

You see how glad I am to have reasons for not returning; I wish I had no better. As to "Hosier's Ghost," I think it very easy, and consequently pretty; but, from the ease, should never have guessed it Glover's.

Wren showed me the Order of Council about the balancing the Storekeeper's accounts, passed the Council in the very terms I drew it, only I did put in my name as he that presented the book of Hosier's preparing, and that is left out I mean, my name which is no great matter.

And the apothecary knocked at the private door of a milliner and hosier's shop. "Thy child shall live, and I will see it nourished." Titus Andronicus. As might be expected, the excitement and fatigue of Catherine's journey to N had considerably accelerated the progress of disease.