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Updated: August 14, 2024

We all lay back in our chairs to wait for the lady of the house, but neither did she nor Tomassa, the name of the handmaiden who had been despatched in search of her, seem inclined to make their appearance. Don Hombrecillo became impatient. "Josefa," to another of the servants "run and desire your mistress to come here immediately." Away she flew, but neither did this second pigeon return.

Another curiosity was the maternal aunt of Don Hombrecillo, a little superannuated woman about four feet high, if she could have stood erect, but old age had long since bent her nearly double; she was on the verge of eighty five years of age, and had outlived all her faculties.

We arrived at Panama about three PM, covered to the eyes with mud, and after some little difficulty, I found out Senor Hombrecillo Justo's house, who received me very kindly. Next morning I waited on the Governor, made my bow and told him my errand.

All this while, Don Hombrecillo was squeaking out from his lair, at the top of his pipe "Padre, padre, trae el puerco, venga el puerco echar el demonio echar el demonio bring the pig, the pig, and cast out the devil." "Mi guitarra, canta, canta y bayle, viejo diablito, canta o yo te matarras Bring my guitar, dance, dance and sing, you little old devil you, or I'll murder you, dankee, dankee."

Dinner being ordered, was promptly placed on the table, and mine host insisted on planting me at the foot thereof, while he sat on my left hand; so the party sat down; but the chair opposite, that ought to have been filled by Madama herself, was still vacant. "Adonde esta su ama," quoth Don Hombrecillo to one of the black waiting wenches. The girl said she did not know, but she would go and see.

"Soy banando soy banando, capitan fresco fresquito," squealed Hombrecillo; while, splash between every exclamation, his dutiful son let fly a gourdfull of agua at his head. That same evening we returned to Panama; and next morning, being the 22d of such a month, I left my kind friends, and, with Peter Mangrove, proceeded on our journey to Cruces, mounted on two stout mules.

Presently it opened, and the old woman that I have already described as part and portion of Don Hombrecillo Justo's family, entered the room in her usual very scanty dress, with a lighted candle in her hand, led by a little naked negro child.

There were no inmates visible when we entered but a little negro girl, of whom el Senor Hombrecillo asked "where the Senoras were?" "En capillo," said the urchin.

There was another solemn fast about this time, in honour of a saint having had a tooth drawn, or some equally important event, and Don Hombrecillo and I had been at the evening service in the church of the convent of La Merced, situated, as I have already mentioned, directly opposite his house, on the other side of the lane; and this being over, we were on the eve of returning home, when the flannel robed superior came up and invited us into the refectory, whereunto, after some palaver, we agreed to adjourn, and had a good supper, and some bad Malaga wine, which, however, seemed to suit the palates of the Frailes, if taking a very decent quantity thereof were any proof of the same.

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