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"Who's the beautiful Senior with golden hair?" Winifred inquired. "I'd like to vote for her." Jane laughed heartily. Sometimes news of the upper school leaked into the lower, and she had heard Angela's views on all strenuous sports. "That's Angela Hollywood; she's awfully funny, but, oh dear, she can't play basket ball; why she's never even made the team." "Tell us who'll make it this year?"

It was logical, since the frogmen would not expect danger below. Rick followed, staying just behind Zircon's flippers, feeling the wash of water from his wake. The light was nearly overhead now, and Rick saw dark figures moving. It was unreal, like a Hollywood motion picture, except that the tense music of a movie production was replaced only by the soft sighing of their regulators.

P. Q. gruffly gave him permission to go off duty at one o'clock. He hurried back to the telephone and told her that he would be able to see her. She gave him an address in Hollywood. "You will be stopped at the door," she told him, "but tell whoever stops you that you are the gentleman I am expecting and there won't be any further difficulty. I'll look for you at two, then."

There were two 'phone calls in his mail, he discovered, and one bore an urgent request that he call Hollywood something-or-other the moment he returned. This was from the Great Western Film Company, and Luck's eyes brightened while he read it. He went straight to his room and called up the Great Western.

Denis at the Organ Pavilion of the San Diego Exposition, and Julius Cæsar with an all-star cast in the hills back of Hollywood, where the space was unlimited, and Cæsar's triumph included elephants and other beasts, loaned by the "movies," and Brutus' camp spread over the hillside as it might actually have done long ago.

I sat and chuckled to myself while the film was being run." "Was it kept, or destroyed?" asked the girl, breathlessly. "I ordered it preserved amongst our archives. Probably Goldstein now has the negative out here, stored in our Hollywood vaults." "And the date when was it?" she demanded. "Why, the annual meeting is always the last Thursday in January.

I had received some rough handling in a cavalry combat near the Old Chapel, beyond Millwood, and my ride back was tedious. But at last I reached Richmond, and made preparations to set out at once for the army. On the evening before my departure, I went to visit the grave of Stuart at Hollywood, on the beautiful hill above the falls, west of the city.

His eyes, when he looked into the doctor's face, were very wistful and very, very tired. "Hollywood!" The doctor snorted. "One lung's already badly affected, I tell you. What she's got to have is high, dry air like Arizona or New Mexico or Colorado. And right out in the open live like an Injun for a year or two. Radical change of climate change of living.

Singularly enough, their choice of a retreat was also the choice of a score or more of motion picture makers, who had discovered Hollywood before them and were utilizing the brilliant sunshine and clear atmosphere in the production of their films, which were supplied to picture theatres throughout the United States and Europe.

The grass was green again, and the birds were singing; but no martial forms moved there, no battle-flag rippled, no voice was heard. Stuart was dead; his sword rusting under the dry leaves of Hollywood, and his battle-flag was furled forever. That hour under the old oak, in the autumn of 1867, was one of the saddest that I have ever spent.