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"Well, you know, Matthias," he heard from away there by the nails which the man was now gathering into his apron, "there are many easier trades than standing in a smithy: make a good pick out of your fists, lad!" "He-he-he!" laughed the boy addressed. "Or make yourself pincers that you can get down into skirt-pockets with all the lassies in the town, lad, that have any pence."

The work of investigation is, so to speak, a free art in its own way, he-he-he!" Porfiry Petrovitch took breath a moment. He had simply babbled on uttering empty phrases, letting slip a few enigmatic words and again reverting to incoherence.

"And why do you want to know, why do you want to know so much, since they haven't begun to worry you? Why, you are like a child asking for matches! And why are you so uneasy? Why do you force yourself upon us, eh? He-he-he!" "I repeat," Raskolnikov cried furiously, "that I can't put up with it!" "With what? Uncertainty?" interrupted Porfiry. "Don't jeer at me! I won't have it!

"Wha wha what's the matter with that now, old chap? One would think it was a whale and not a gudgeon, you make such a fuss about it." Of course the captain's joke set us all off cackling again; Mr Spokeshave's "he-he-he" sounding out, high in the treble, above the general cachination. This exasperated Mr Stokes, making the old fellow quite furious.

As there was not enough work for one, Cheprakov did nothing, but slept or went down to the pool with his gun to shoot ducks. In the evenings he got drunk in the village, or at the station, and before going to bed he would look in the glass and say: "How are you, Ivan Cheprakov?" When he was drunk, he was very pale and used to rub his hands and laugh, or rather neigh, He-he-he!

"No, you wouldn't, but you would be ho-ho-ho you would be ha-ha-ha such a he-he-he such a haw-haw-haw. There, I can't help laughing," said the round fellow, with his fat sides wagging about through his merriment.

And meanwhile I'm still developing Sofya Semyonovna. She has a beautiful, beautiful character!" "And you take advantage of her fine character, eh? He-he!" "No, no! Oh, no! On the contrary." "Oh, on the contrary! He-he-he! A queer thing to say!" "Believe me! Why should I disguise it? In fact, I feel it strange myself how timid, chaste and modern she is with me!"

Leveson uttered a kind of inarticulate sound something between a gasp and a grunt. Then he fell back on his old snigger. "He-he, he-he-he!" he bleated "You must be crazy, Walden! or else you've been drinking! I've a perfect right to speak of the Abbot's Manor woman IF I like and as I like! All men have a right to do the same she's been pretty well handed round as common property for a long time!

"He-he-he!" giggled Lynn; "look at that funny fat woman on a bicycle." "It's only a lack bicycle," said Max critically, "mine's led." The funny fat woman got off in a most agile fashion when they came alongside. "My dear Hugh!" she said, "and I imagined you still sound asleep. What on earth are you after now?" "Eggs and bacon," said Hugh promptly, "and you can just come home and fry them for me.

In those still ambiguous words he kept eagerly looking for something more definite and conclusive. "Mr. Razumihin!" cried Porfiry Petrovitch, seeming glad of a question from Raskolnikov, who had till then been silent. "He-he-he! But I had to put Mr. Razumihin off; two is company, three is none. Mr. Razumihin is not the right man, besides he is an outsider.