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He-he-he! . . ." Anastasy went on coughing till he choked. "Don't interfere, Father Anastasy," said his Reverence sternly. "Nikolay Matveyitch asked him, 'What madame is this helping the soup at your table?" the deacon went on, gloomily scanning Anastasy's bent figure. "'That is my wife, said he.

Playful wit and abstract arguments fascinate you and that's for all the world like the old Austrian Hof-kriegsrath, as far as I can judge of military matters, that is: on paper they'd beaten Napoleon and taken him prisoner, and there in their study they worked it all out in the cleverest fashion, but look you, General Mack surrendered with all his army, he-he-he!

You might well hesitate, he-he!" "Who thrashed? Whom?" cried Lebeziatnikov, flustered and blushing. "Why, you thrashed Katerina Ivanovna a month ago. I heard so yesterday... so that's what your convictions amount to... and the woman question, too, wasn't quite sound, he-he-he!" and Pyotr Petrovitch, as though comforted, went back to clicking his beads.

Looking around, I saw Old Toombs, his great solid figure mounted high on the wagon seat, the reins held fast in the fingers of one hand. I was struck by the strange expression in his face a sort of grim exaltation. As I stepped aside he burst out in a loud, shrill, cackling laugh: "He-he-he he-he-he " I was too astonished to speak at once.

And it's not a question of self-sacrifice, it's simply work, honourable, useful work which is as good as any other and much better than the work of a Raphael and a Pushkin, because it is more useful." "And more honourable, more honourable, he-he-he!" "What do you mean by 'more honourable'? I don't understand such expressions to describe human activity.

It it wor lef' over by Aunt Mandy f'om de washin'. She ain' think, ha ha, she ain' think de bluin' in it mak' no diff'ence, he-he-he . Please, ma'am, scuse me, I can't stan' fo' no mo," and Wesley beat a hasty retreat. Juno Daphne departed that afternoon, Mrs. Bonnell wishing to avoid the services of a coroner.

Then he began his 'He-he-he' again to himself, while he breathed hard and sweated profusely over the rubber tyre of his machine. "Is that so?" he sniggered "Well, that's all the better for you! you do well to keep away! Men of our cloth ought not to be seen there really."

She lifted her eyes a little wearily: "I don't know," she said. "I do," he chuckled. "He was choosing a collar of blue diamonds and aqua marines! Te-he! probably to wear himself! Te-he! Or perhaps he was going to be married! He-he-he! next winter ahem! next November Ha-ha! I don't know, I'm sure, what he meant to do with that collar. I only "