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Updated: August 2, 2024

Without giving Toby time for consideration the officer led us across the street and into the stuffy little den occupied by the lawyer. "Here's the gent I told you of," said he, nodding in the direction of a hawk-faced little man smoking a vile cigar, who was sitting with his feet upon a table.

Samoval, no doubt, had resources to amuse a woman even a woman who instinctively, disliked him resources of which Captain Tremayne himself knew nothing. And then some one tapped him on the shoulder. A very tall, hawk-faced man in a scarlet coat and tightly strapped blue trousers stood beside him. It was Colquhoun Grant, the ablest intelligence officer in Wellington's service.

The rush from the bushes followed; the battle with detectives concealed in the express-car. Mr. Wrenn was standing sturdily and shooting coolly with the slender hawk-faced Pinkerton man in puttees; with him he leaped to horse and followed the robbers through the forest. He stayed through the whole program twice to see the train robbery again.

A hawk-faced old man with a long white beard and long white hair rode out from the cottonwoods. He had on a battered broad hat abnormally high of crown, carried across his saddle a heavy "eight square" rifle, and was followed by a half-dozen lolloping hounds.

This first one, who had just dismounted from his bay polo-pony, was Mortimer, of the Intelligence tall, straight, and hawk-faced, with khaki tunic and riding-breeches, drab putties, a scarlet cummerbund, and a skin tanned to the red of a Scotch fir by sun and wind, and mottled by the mosquito and the sand-fly.

Look here a minute, Johnnie. A little, round-bellied, hawk-faced person glared at him. 'Gilbert was right about the beauty of the beast, he muttered. 'D'you keep it in your glove now? he went on, and punched Conroy in the short ribs. 'No, said Conroy meekly, but without coughing. 'Nowhere on my honour! I've chucked it for good. 'Wait till you are a sound man before you say that, Mr.

At another table were two gentlemen, sprung he knew not whence, quiet in dress and orderly in manner, to whom he paid little heed until one of them a slender, swarthy, hawk-faced fellow looking up suddenly, started slightly at sight of the Parisian and addressed him instantly by name.

Sheila and Casey, conversing on topics which neither was thinking about, blundered ridiculously. And the son of the house, Alec McCrae, a wiry, hawk-faced young man of twenty-two, strongly resembling his sister, was almost silent. Soon after supper the ranchers who had banded together for mutual protection began to arrive by saddle and buckboard.

They were old men, straight, and very tall, with the hawk-faced, high-headed dignity of the true aristocrat. Their robes were voluminous, of some short-haired skins, beautifully embroidered. Around their arms were armlets of polished buffalo horn. They wore most elaborate ear ornaments, and long cased marquise rings extending well beyond the first joints of the fingers. Very fine old gentlemen.

The hawk-faced one, who had boarded the train at Omaha and whose section was directly opposite Blount's, defined himself as a mine-owner whose property, vaguely located as somewhere "in the mountains," was involved in litigation. It was the reference to the litigation which first drew Blount beyond the boundaries of the commonplaces.

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