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He showed me one with notes on the margin in Johnson's hand-writing; and I was present when he read another to Johnson, that he might have his opinion of it, and Johnson said it was 'very well. These, we may be sure, were not Johnson's; for he was above little arts, or tricks of deception.

A wave of crimson flooded her recently pale cheeks. "Why what where did you get this?" she stammered. "It is my theme." "You mean it is the original from which you copied yours," put in Miss Duncan dryly. "Is that your hand-writing?" "No," replied Grace, in a puzzled tone. "Is this your writing?" questioned Miss Duncan, suddenly producing another theme from the drawer of her desk.

He can write the Law on your hearts, and thereby take away the hand-writing that is against you, even the old curse which by nature you inherit. He has done this for many in time past. He does it for many at all times. Why should He not do it for you? Why should you be left out? Why should you not enter into His rest? Why should you not see His glory?

"Mark me," continued Roundjacket, with affecting gravity, "the unmistakable evidence of greatness is not the brilliant eye, the fine forehead, or the firm-set lip; neither is the 'lion port' or noble carriage it is far more simple, sir. It lies wholly in the hand-writing." "Possible, sir?" "Yes; highly probable even.

Allowing this brilliant simile to pass without comment, Walden took the thick, creamy-white object she offered and found himself considering it with a curious disfavour. It was a strictly 'fashionable' make of envelope, and was addressed in a particularly bold and assertive hand-writing to MRS. SPRUCE, Housekeeper, Abbot's Manor, St. Rest.

The harangue of the count's advocate would have lasted more than two hours if the court had not silenced him. He indulged in a torrent of abuse against the other barrister, the experts in hand-writing, and the peasant, whom he threatened with a speedy consignment to the galleys.

I have before me, in his hand-writing, a fragment of twenty quarto leaves, of a translation into English of Sallust, De Bella Catilinario. When it was done I have no notion; but it seems to have no very superior merit to mark it as his.

Recognizing his father's hand-writing, he picked it up eagerly and read these words: "This collection of gold coins was begun September 7, 1803; its actual value is 287,634 francs. Removing several piles of the large, heavy coins, Louis at last found an envelope, sealed in black and bearing these words in big letters: "TO MY WELL-BELOVED SON."

I have likewise remarked this singularity in his hand-writing; he never divides his words, so as to carry the letters which cannot be inserted at the end of a line to the next, but puts them below the other, enclosed by a bracket.

Done at Paris, in the year of our Lord, 1814, September 25, and signed, Francis, Frederic William and Alexander." Such was the bond of the Holy Alliance. It was drawn up in the hand-writing of Alexander. Subsequently it was signed by the Kings of England and France, and by nearly all the sovereigns of Europe.