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Updated: August 11, 2024

Light, peaty soil will grow it to perfection. Salt tree. A native of Asiatic Russia , having silvery foliage, and pink or purplish-pink flowers, axillary or fascicled. It is a neat and pretty shrub, that is rendered valuable as succeeding well in maritime districts. Quite hardy and of free growth in sandy soil. HAMAMELIS JAPONICA. The Japanese Witch Hazel. Japan, 1862.

After the skin of the leg has thoroughly dried off, an infriction of alcohol or distilled extract of hamamelis is given the parts and the cotton and bandages are readjusted. A good, even and firm pressure in such cases is productive of satisfactory results.

Bot. p. 275. The Hamamelis, Witch Hazle, is another plant which flowers in autumn; when the leaves fall off, the flowers come out in clusters from the joints of the branches, and in Virginia ripen their seed in the ensuing spring; but in this country their seeds seldom ripen. Lin. Spec. Plant. Sun flower.

Bob broke off one of the tough, woody stems. A pungent odour exactly like that of extract of hamamelis met his nostrils. Then he realized that all the time he had been aware of this perfume faintly disengaging itself from the hills. In spite of Mr. Welton's disgust, Bob liked its clean, pungent suggestion. The road mounted always, following the contour of the mountains.

Samples of redwood, ebony, calamander, hamamelis, suradanni, tamarind, satinwood, mahogany, walnut, maples of many kinds and oaks without limit all are there. A mammoth ax-helve I noticed on the wall was labeled, "Shagbark-hickory from Missouri." These specimens of wood were sometimes made up into hatracks, chairs, canes, or panels for doors, and are seen in odd corners of these rambling rooms.

ENDOMETRITIS: Ext. Viburnum Prun, forty grains; ext. Hamamelis, twenty grains; Ergotin, ten grains; ext. Nux Vomica, two grains; Hydrastin, one grain. Make twenty pills. Dose: One pill morning and night. FIBROID TUMORS: Chromium Sulphate, four-grain tablets. Dose: One tablet after meals. FISSURE OF NIPPLES: Apply Iodoform, one dram; carbolic acid, twenty grains; white Petrolatum, one ounce.

At eight o'clock, disguised behind a pair of blue goggles, Louis headed for Miss Monon's door, glad that the cozy corner was so dimly lighted. When he arrived she bathed his battle-scarred features with hamamelis, which is just the same as Pond's Extract, but doesn't cost so much, and told him the other girls had acted foolishly.

Adansonia the largest tree known, its dimensions Bulbous roots contain the embryon flower, seen by dissecting a tulip-root Flowers of Colchicum and Hamamelis appear in autumn, and ripen their seed in the spring following Sunflower turns to the sun by nutation, not by gyration Dispersion of seeds Drosera catches flies Of the nectary, its structure to preserve the honey from insects

Apply at night; requires thorough washing next morning. HELONIAS COMPOSITION: Helonias, fifteen grains; Squaw wine, sixty grains; Viburnum Opulus, fifteen grains; Caulophyllum, fifteen grains; syrup, two ounces. Dose: Teaspoonful every two hours. LEUCORRHOEA: Ext. Hyoscyamus, one dram; ext. Hamamelis, one dram; tannic acid, one dram; ext.

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