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Updated: August 24, 2024

Gambacorti was accompanied, while transferring his dominions, by a young Pisan of great courage and address, named Antonio Gualandi, who, considering the whole affair, the strength of the place, the well known bravery of the garrison, their evident reluctance to give it up, and the baseness of Gambacorti, at once resolved to make an effort to prevent the fulfillment of his design; and Gherardo being at the entrance, for the purpose of introducing the Aragonese, he pushed him out with both his hands, and commanded the guards to shut the gate upon such a scoundrel, and hold the fortress for the Florentine republic.

Conspiracy of Stefano Porcari against the papal government The conspirators discovered and punished The Florentines recover the places they had lost Gherardo Gambacorti, lord of Val di Bagno, endeavors to transfer his territories to the king of Naples Gallant conduct of Antonio Gualandi, who counteracts the design of Gambacorti Rene of Anjou is called into Italy by the Florentines Rene returns to France The pope endeavors to restore peace Peace proclaimed Jacopo Piccinino attacks the Siennese.

Do you go to find Aurelia Gualandi, I to search for a lover like you." Deeply touched by this gentle conclusion of our argument, I held her hand and made her sit down again. She resisted faintly, not seriously.

He knows that a Gualandi of Siena is not at the beck and call of a pig of Padua. When he comes here, he will come in his right senses, you will see." I begged her to tell me her story; but she said there was little to tell. She had not left Padua, as I had supposed, but had stayed with friends of hers in the hope that what she called the pazzeria of the doctor would be blown away.

I swore to myself that without her I could not live, that to deserve her I would renounce the world, my patrimony, my country, and that not even a changed Aurelia changed from Seraph to calling Siren could keep me from her side. But Aurelia Aurelia Gualandi, that delicate flower of Siena, that youngest of the angels, that fount of poesy what of her?

A. G. Aurelia Gualandi, untried maiden of Siena once, innocent of all the evil that men could devise against her, unsullied rose dropped from the lap of Mary the mother of us all! Could I dare could I indeed dare to slay one who bore, though shamefully, those letters of hers whose perfection I was here to maintain? I knew that I could not; I lowered my sword.

The greater part of the walls of our chamber was covered with her sprawled lettering: and, for all I know to the contrary, may reveal to this day the names of Francis Strelley, of Aurelia Gualandi and of Virginia Strozzi. It is a fine proof of her loyalty to our bargain that the first name which Virginia essayed to write was mine, but the second, Aurelia's. She took her own in hand last.

With every symptom of the most exquisite torture of mind I recalled throughout that day and night the lovely, fleeting, unattainable image of Aurelia Gualandi.

"Ah, Virginia," I concluded, "you must not misjudge me. It is a sinner who speaks to you, not a saint removed too far to help you. A sinner indeed am I, yet not utterly lost. I have a guide, a hope, a haven; I have a light whereby I may steer my poor barque. Aurelia Lanfranchi no! let me call her by her own name Aurelia Gualandi will save my soul alive.

I gather that you will not repeat your slander." "I promise you that, sir," said he. "But I am curious to learn how Donna Aurelia can have interceded." "Her name in maidenhood," I said, "was Aurelia Gualandi. There upon your handkerchief I read her initials, 'A. G." "The handkerchief is my own, I swear it!" he cried with passion. "Will you make the merest coincidence accuse her again?

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