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Gently had she led Sally Grimes to seek for higher things, and every Sabbath they were now to be seen sitting side by side, learning of the life that is to come. And at home? Affairs there had become much brighter, for Mrs.

"Well; them Bunratty people; it is they as has come next. They know which side their bread is likely to be buttered; they do. They're a bidding for the 'Handsome Man' already; they are." "And you'd let your house to the Tory party, Grimes!" said Mr Scruby, in a tone in which disgust and anger were blended. "Who said anything of my letting my house to the Tory party, Mr Scruby?

They get themselves up to look like Dissenting ministers or undertakers, except that there is still a something about their rosy gills which tells a tale of the spigot and corkscrew. Mr Grimes had only just finished the tale of his own hard ways as a publican, when the door-bell was again rung. "There's Scruby," said George Vavasor, "and now we can go to business." Mr Grimes Gets His Odd Money

But when he thought of it, he did not see that any remedy was open to him on that side. In the meantime Mr. Puddleham attacked Grimes with great severity because the work was not continued. Mr. Puddleham, feeling that he had the Marquis at his back, was eager for the fight.

"I know, Sam, but Tom, here, has promised to play if he can possibly get the time." "And so I will play," said Tom. "That is, provided I remain at Brill." "What, do you mean to say you are going to leave!" cried several students. "We can't do without you, Tom," added Songbird. "Of course we can't," came from Bob Grimes. "We need Tom the worst way this year."

On the twenty-first of December the following gentlemen were announced as members of the committee on the part of the Senate: William Pitt Fessenden, James W. Grimes, Ira Harris, Jacob M. Howard, Reverdy Johnson, and George H. Williams.

"He will eat uth up," whispered Pip, trying to get behind Billy Grimes. The stranger was not a cannibal though. He took off his hat, shook it, and said, "If that was an accident, it's all right. If any one did it, meaning to do it, was it just the thing?" The boys felt the appeal and shook their heads.

"Halloo, you deserter!" "Hush! Mother has a headache." "Not now, you have cured it." "Well, you've missed an encounter with the most impudent rascal I ever came across." "You didn't meet Hermann?" "Well, perhaps I have found his match; but you shall hear. Grimes said he heard guns, and we came upon the scoundrel in Lewis Acre, two brace on his shoulder."

Port Phillip was discovered by Lieutenant Murray, of the Lady Nelson, in 1802. Surveyor-General Grimes went there with him, and during the survey he made, is reported to have camped on the spot where Melbourne now stands. The port was discovered three times independently in the same year. First by Murray, next by Baudin, and again by Flinders.

I tried it on a Moslem, and clove him in twain like a doughnut. The spirit of Grimes was upon me, and if I had had a graveyard I would have destroyed all the infidels in Jerusalem.