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Robert's wife greets and M'Gregor's scolds; and Robert is so down-hearted that he says he is unfit for duty. I told him that if he was to mind wives' quarrels, and to take them up, the only way was for him and M'Gregor to go down to the point like Sir G. Grant and Lord Somerset."

Call this female potentate Madame la Marquise d'Espard, with whom a Minister has to come to terms; this woman writes a little scented note, which her man-servant carries to the Minister's man-servant. The note greets the Minister on his waking, and he reads it at once.

At a signal from the latter, the other envoys took their seats, and Count von Crenneville addressed the assembly: "My lords ambassadors of the electors, princes, and imperial cities of the German empire, his majesty greets you all.

Polly has learned some English phrases from the numerous guests of the house, and cordially greets us with "Good-by" when we enter and "How do you do?" when we are leaving, which, you may remember, was just what Mr. Monard, who had the little French church in Philadelphia, used to do until some person without any sense of humor undertook to set him straight.

Everything up here greets her with rejoicing, and I could almost fancy that among those still marble statues even the stern face of Zeno had parted its lips, and spoken flattering words to her.

The paving-stones are, as it were, red to this day with the blood they drank in the times of the revolution. There is no public square or place in the world, which in broad magnificence surpasses the Place de la Concorde. The stranger can form little idea of it, except by personal inspection. Stand in the center and look which way you will, something grand or beautiful greets the eye.

A stop of a few hours was made at the quaint little adobe-built town cabins formed of sun-dried bricks known by the name of Castaño, situated on the trunk line of the Mexican Central road, near the city of Monclova, which is a considerable mining centre. This small native village is the first typical object of the sort which greets the traveler who enters the country from the north.

And then he will count the one happy in his condition and state of being, and he will pity the other; or, if he have a mind to laugh at the soul which comes from below into the light there will be more reason in this than in the laugh which greets the other from the den. That, he said, is a very just remark.

And man, an atom in the ferment, clings desperately to what to him seems stable; nor greets with joy him who hazards that what he grips may be but a broken staff, and, so saying, fails to hold forth a sturdier one. Earth is a ship, plowing her way through uncharted oceans of space wherein are strange currents, hidden shoals and reefs, and where blow the unknown winds of Cosmos.

He gave me a ring too, and said that he would pay the money to him, who took the ring to him from me. Then he read this letter to me." Rameri took the letter and read. "Nebsecht to the fair Uarda." "Nebsecht greets Uarda, and informs her that he owed her grandfather in Osiris, Pinem whose body the kolchytes are embalming like that of a noble a sum of a thousand gold rings.