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Updated: August 16, 2024

'But how can we tell what perils await us there? 'Marry, by going and finding out, growled Tristram Vaz, and this was all the opinion he uttered. As for Morales, they would have it he was a Castilian, a foreigner, and only too eager to injure us Portuguese. "But Gonsalvez had enough courage for all: and on the ninth morning he and Tristram set sail, with their crews as near mutiny as might be.

I have cheered an unhappy life by this one promise, which at the end I have thrown away upon a little scruple." He passed a hand over his eyes and stood up. "It is curious," he said, and stood musing. "It is curious," he repeated, and turning to Gonsalvez said in a voice empty of passion, "You refuse me, I understand?" "Yes," Gonsalvez answered.

Domingo de Gonsalvez de Soto will cook your curry, and Pedro de Guiterraz is content to act as dry nurse to your wife's babies. The vice of those dusky noblemen is their addiction to drink. The better sort of these self-expatriated Goanese are eager to serve as travelling servants, and when you have the luck to chance on a reasonably sober fellow, no better servant can be found anywhere.

He attempted to solve these problems by sending out, year after year, expeditions down the north-west coast of Africa, each of which penetrated farther than its predecessor. Almost at the beginning he was rewarded by the discovery, or re-discovery, of Madeira in 1420, by João Gonsalvez Zarco, one of the squires of his household.

Francis Xavier had planted in the Empire of Japan, and which was so celebrated in the annals of Christian heroism. Gonsalvez de Oliveira, Bishop of Olinda, had found it necessary to warn his diocesans against the machinations of certain secret societies, which were alike hostile to the Church and to the State.

"That was implied," I answered: and after shaking hands with my kinsman and promising to visit him on the morrow, I suffered myself to be guided back along the horrible passages. On the way the Doctor Gonsalvez paused more than once to chuckle, and at each remove I found this indulgence more uncanny. In the great cellar we came upon the sergeant of the 36th, still slumbering.

"All this, Sir, by little and little the pilot Morales told us, there in the Prince's map-room: and you may be sure we kept it to ourselves. Gonsalvez was leader, of course, with Tristram Vaz: and to my great joy the Prince appointed me third in command. "We sailed from Lagos in June and reached Porto Santo without mishap.

"In the year 1416 a certain Portuguese sea-captain, Gonsalvez Zarco by name, and servant of the famous Henry of Portugal, was cruising homeward in a leaky caravel from a baffled voyage in search of the Fortunate Islands.

"I am not sure that I understand you, holy father," I answered. "But you have done us a true service, and shall be rewarded by a confession from a stubborn heretic, too." I glanced at Captain Alan mischievously. My kinsman put up a hand in protest. "Oh, I will prepare the way for you," said I: "and by and by you will be astonished to find how easy it comes." I turned to the Doctor Gonsalvez.

But it may save time, and I shall take it as a favour if without binding yourself or me to any immediate bargain you can give me some notion of the price you would want for it. But perhaps" here he lifted his eyes from the table and glanced at Gonsalvez cunningly "you have already conveyed that parcel of land, and I must deal with another."

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