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Put him in irons, and send him into Normandy." "Send him to Roger de Beaumont, Sire. Roger's son is safe in Morcar's castle at Warwick, so it is but fair that Morcar should be safe in Roger's.". And to Roger de Beaumont he was sent, while young Roger was Lord of Warwick, and all around that once was Leofric and Godiva's. Morcar lay in a Norman keep till the day of William's death.

"A Lady putting on her Cap" , "Lady Godiva's Rout" , "High Change in Bond Street" , "A Modern Belle at Bath" , and "A Fashionable Mamma" come into this class, as well as "Following the Fashion," "Characters in High Life," and many others.

Like all other things that come down to us by tradition, this legend is doubted, but in Coventry there are sincere believers, and "Lady Godiva's Procession" used to be an annual display, closing with a fair: this ceremony was opened by religious services, after which the procession started, the troops and city authorities, with music and banners, escorting Lady Godiva, a woman made up for the occasion in gauzy tights and riding a cream-colored horse; representatives of the trades and civic societies followed her.

"And nine-and-forty of them," says the chronicler, "he chose to guard Bourne," seemingly the lands which had been his nephew Morcar's, till he should come back and take them for himself. Godiva's lands, of Witham, Toft and Mainthorpe, Gery his cousin should hold till his return, and send what he could off them to his mother at Crowland.

In later years it has been chiefly celebrated in the peaceful arts in the manufacture of silks and ribbons and the dyeing of broad-cloth in "Coventry true blue;" at present it is the "Coventry bicycle" that makes Lady Godiva's ancient city famous, and provides amusement for youth who are able to balance their bodies possibly at the expense of their minds.

The drenching rain had cleared the streets of passengers, and save for some peeping-Toms who looked over the low green blinds as the omnibus passed, the place might indeed have been waiting for Lady Godiva's progress, all was so deserted.

"And your feet all cut and bleeding." "Are they?" said Torfrida, vacantly. "I will tell you all about it when I wake." And she fell fast asleep, with her head in Godiva's lap. The countess did not speak or stir. She beckoned the good prioress, who had followed Torfrida in, to go away. She saw that something dreadful had happened; and prayed as she awaited the news. Torfrida slept for a full hour.

"Then I asked him again, who told him I was my master's man? and he confessed that it was Herluin the prior, he that was Lady Godiva's chaplain of old, whom my master robbed of his money when he had the cell of Bourne years agone. Very well, quoth I to myself, that's one more count on our score against Master Herluin.

Summon Godiva's lord, 'his beard a yard before him, and his hair a yard behind. Call up the brave picture of Rupert's love-locked Cavaliers, as their glittering column hurls like a bolt of heaven to the charge, or Nelson's pig-tailed sailors in Trafalgar's Bay.

Torfrida went straight on, speaking to no one, not even to the prioress; and into Lady Godiva's chamber. There she dropped at the countess's feet, and laid her head upon her knees. "I am come, as you always told me I should do. But it has been a long way hither, and I am very tired." "My child! What is this? What brings you here?" "I am doing penance for my sins."