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I've got a musty but reliable tip Hulls is itchin' to go. Hit's too long a tale to tell without stim'lants, but Archie has sent fer Hulls en Maizie, wants 'em to come en he'p him with a roomin' house down in Arizony, whar they're a-buildin' a big dam, en things are boomin'. Hulls is shore plannin' a git-away. He thinks he can drive through en take some plunder with him.

"How could they go, Uncle?" "Jus' took deh auto'bile, chile, an' de Kun'l done druv it heself bag an' baggage. But see heah, Ma'y 'Ouise we-all ain' s'pose to know nuth'n' bout dat git-away. Ef some imper'nent puss'n' ask us, we ain' gwine t' know how dey go, nohow. De Kun'l say tell Ma'y 'Ouise she ain' gwine know noth'n' a-tall, 'bout nuth'n', 'cause 'tain't nobody's business."

Her frantic screams reached Bobby, who was a few feet in advance, and the boy stopped instantly and faced about, with terror in his eyes but with evident determination to defend his sister at any cost. When he had pulled Maggie to her feet, and it was certain that there was nothing pursuing them, Bobby, boylike, laughed. "Gee, but we made some git-away, that trip! Gee, I'll tell the world!"

He'd seen Ugly Collins a-hangin' 'round Ike's place, en he wanted a quick move by Ugly. He slipped Ike two new twenty-dollar bills en told him to loan 'em to Ugly if he made a quick git-away. Ike did as d'rected. Ugly come en got the wagon this atternoon. Promised that he'd load tonight en be on the road by midnight. "Well! That settled the coffee! I didn't keer to hang eround eny more.

But the next moment we breathed easier, for the men broke into a boisterous laugh, and one called: "Ole hatchet-face, yo're done out-punted this time!" Another, bending over and slapping his thigh in mirthful ecstasy, guffawed: "Bill says she's done out-punted," whereupon they again laughed, and a third called: "This here busts yo' chance of makin' a git-away to-night, yer ole she-devil!