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The third was from an intimacy I had formed with an acquaintance of Madame Gironac, with a Mademoiselle Adele Chabot, who was of a good French family, but earning her livelihood as a French teacher in one of the most fashionable schools in Kensington. Through her recommendation, I obtained the teaching of the young ladies at the school, but of her more hereafter.

After a little thought, I determined that I would seek Madame Gironac, and ascertain whether she could not receive me until I had decided upon my future plans. My thoughts then recurred to other points.

"All that is arranged, then," said I, "and I will not detain you above ten minutes, during which time, I will send Madame Gironac to amuse you, and you can deliver your own message to her." And then, without waiting for any answer, I hurried upstairs to make my travelling toilette, and to put up things for a week's visit to my good friends.

I found a very cheerful room prepared for me, and I had the pleasant feeling, as we sat down to our small dinner, that I had a home. Madame Gironac was indefatigable in her exertions, and soon disposed of all the laces and wardrobe that I had decided upon parting with, and I paid the sum that they realised, viz., 310 pounds, into the banker's.

The arrival of Monsieur Gironac put an end to our tete-a-tete, and having arranged his business with him, which was relative to some flute-music which the Comte wished to be published, after a few minutes more conversation, he took his leave. "Now there's a man that I would select for your husband, Valerie," said Monsieur Gironac, after the Comte had left. "Is he not a very agreeable fellow?"

In the meantime, Madame Gironac, who had always been a great favourite of Caroline's, had taken my place; and by the merriment which I could hear going on, I could not doubt that, on the whole, the party had been a gainer by the exchange.

"I will go, madame; and hear me," said Monsieur Gironac, with mock solemnity; "as I live, I will not return till dinner-time." He then bounced out of the room. We then proceeded to sort and arrange. Madame Gironac, who was a good judge, stated the laces to be worth at least 200 pounds, and the other articles, such as silks, etcetera, with the dresses and lace, at about 100 pounds more.

After I had parted with Madame Gironac, I went upstairs, and found Lady R sitting at the table, looking at the purchases she had made. "My dear Valerie," cried she, "you don't know how you have obliged me by introducing that little woman and her flowers. What a delightful and elegant employment for a heroine to undertake so lady-like!

Madame Gironac, who was delighted at the idea of going to the fete, ran to her husband, and kissed him over and over again. Adele and Lionel accepted Monsieur Gironac's invitation, and thus was the affair settled in Monsieur Gironac's queer way. The day of the Horticultural fete arrived. It was a lovely morning.

Monsieur and Madame Gironac were both out, and would not return for an hour or two. I thought the half hour would never pass, but it did at last, and they knocked at the door. Lionel entered, followed by my brother Auguste. I was surprised at his having grown so tall and handsome. "Madame Gironac is not at home, mademoiselle," said Lionel. "No, Monsieur Lionel."