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Intellectual food is like any other; it is pleasanter and more beneficial to take it with a spoon than with a shovel. Sixthly, I would require a speaker to stop when he is done, and not hang a string of those useless "haven sind gewesen gehabt haben geworden seins" to the end of his oration. This sort of gewgaws undignify a speech, instead of adding a grace.

This was probably the first light-point in the history of Luther, his purer will now first decisively uttering itself; but, for the present, it was still as one light-point in an element all of darkness. He says he was a pious monk, ich bin ein frommer Monch gewesen; faithfully, painfully struggling to work out the truth of this high act of his; but it was to little purpose.

This was the coup de grâce, the final blow to any germs of a Spanish style, of a style composed of Christian and Islam principles and ideals: "Es wär zu schön gewesen, Es hätt' nicht sollen sein!" Under the circumstances, the art student in Spain, however enthusiastic or one-sided he may be, cannot claim to discover a national school.

This much-criticised defect has been only partially overcome in our methods of education through "object" lessons, and, if we may call them so, evolutionary methods, showing to the child "wie es eigentlich gewesen." Cf. J. Dewey, "The School and Society." See above, Part Two, chapter IV. Preface to the Critique of Pure Reason.

Intellectual food is like any other; it is pleasanter and more beneficial to take it with a spoon than with a shovel. Sixthly, I would require a speaker to stop when he is done, and not hang a string of those useless "haven sind gewesen gehabt haben geworden seins" to the end of his oration. This sort of gewgaws undignify a speech, instead of adding a grace.

With a grasp on this rock, Carlyle springs from the slough of despond and asserts himself: Denn ich bin ein Mensch gewesen Und das heisst ein Kaempfer seyn. He finds in persistent action, energy, and courage a present strength, and a lamp of at least such partial victory as he lived to achieve. He would not make his judgment blind; He faced the spectres of the mind,

"What is it, dear? he asked, humoring her. "Do you understand German? Oh, of course, my student; but this is a sad old song; students don't sing such things. These are some of the words: 'Beh te Gott! es war zu schoen gewesen. I wish " "It is a miserable song," he said lightly; "forget it." She disengaged herself from his arms and sat down.

This is a great and justly honored day a day which is worthy of the veneration in which it is held by the true patriots of all climes and nationalities a day which offers a fruitful theme for thought and speech; und meinem Freunde no, meinEN FreundEN meinES FreundES well, take your choice, they're all the same price; I don't know which one is right also! ich habe gehabt haben worden gewesen sein, as Goethe says in his Paradise Lost ich ich that is to say ich but let us change cars.

This is a great and justly honored day a day which is worthy of the veneration in which it is held by the true patriots of all climes and nationalities a day which offers a fruitful theme for thought and speech; und meinem Freunde no, meinEN FreundEN meinES FreundES well, take your choice, they're all the same price; I don't know which one is right also! ich habe gehabt haben worden gewesen sein, as Goethe says in his Paradise Lost ich ich that is to say ich but let us change cars.

"Es waer' zu schoen gewesen, Es hat nicht sollen sein." My account of truth is realistic, and follows the epistemological dualism of common sense. Suppose I say to you 'The thing exists' is that true or not? How can you tell? Not till my statement has developed its meaning farther is it determined as being true, false, or irrelevant to reality altogether.