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In a filthy purlieu under Fish-street Hill, where mackerel-heads and herrings strewed the drains, and sour kits of whitebait stood fermenting in the sun, the bandy-legged man turned suddenly into a dingy court, and when Nick reached the corner of the entry-way was gone as though the earth had swallowed him. Nick stopped dismayed, and looked about, His forehead was wet and his breath was gone.

This day I did first see the Duke of York's room of pictures of some Maids of Honour, done by Lilly: good, but not like. 22nd. To the 'Change, and thence home, and took London-bridge in my way; walking down Fish-street and Gracious-street, to see how very fine a descent they have now made down the hill, that it is become very easy and pleasant. 23rd. To church, and heard a good sermon of Mr.

So home with a sad heart, and there find every body discoursing and lamenting the fire; and poor Tom Hater come with some few of his goods saved out of his house, which was burned upon Fish-street Hill. Hater and I did remove my money and iron chests into my cellar, as thinking that the safest place.

Bless us, what a long bell you must have pulled, to call your top workmen to their nuncheon on the low grounds of Sennaar. Or did you send up your garlick and onions by a rocket? I am a rogue if I am not ashamed to show you our Monument on Fish-street Hill, after your altitudes. Yet we think it somewhat.

And this great stupid braggart, pretending to be a personage and an entity, which, like Pope's monument on Fish-street hill, "Like a tall bully, lifts the head and lies," I am called upon now-a-days to worship, as my better, my teacher. Shall I, the son of Odin and Thor, worship Hrymir the frost giant, and his cows the waterfalls? Shall I bow down to the stock of a stone? My better?

"I'm tapster at the 'Commonwealth, in Fish-street not much of a place." "Well, well, you stand by the pony, and look that nobody takes any thing out of the cart, while I go in for some parcels." "Yes, to be sure I will; but, I say, forester, how came you by that sword? "I will tell you when I come out again," replied Oswald. Oswald then went in to Edward, and told him what had occurred.

So to my closett to set things to rights after yesterday's cleaning. By and by Jane comes and tells me that she hears that above 300 houses have been burned down to-night by the fire we saw, and that it is now burning down all Fish-street, by London Bridge.