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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Skoal to the heroes!" she answered; and then I knew the voice, though, under the helm and in the grey light, the face of the ealdorman's daughter Etheldreda had been strange to me. And Odda knew also. "What would you in this guise, my daughter?" he cried.

But we find no churches dedicated to any of the four in the isle except those previously named as dedicated to S. Etheldreda, the cathedral, Histon, and a chapel at Swaffham Prior. Minster Church, in Kent, is dedicated to Saints Mary and Sexburga.

After continuous prayers for the intercession of S. Etheldreda and S. Benedict, these two saints appeared to him, and the latter drew the links of the chain apart and set the prisoner free. The miracle came to the knowledge of Matilda, Henry I.'s queen, and investigations followed, which resulted in the release of Brytstan, and he was conducted to Ely with manifestations of joy.

In the early part of the seventh century Anna was King of the East Angles; and Etheldreda, his daughter, was born at Exning, near Newmarket, a Suffolk parish, but detached from the main county and entirely surrounded by Cambridgeshire, about the year 630. When quite young there were many suitors for her hand, but she was altogether unwilling to accept any one of them.

On each of the corbels is a boldly carved scene from the career of S. Etheldreda; they commence at the north-west arch. Her taking the veil at Coldingham. NORTH-EAST ARCH. Her staff taking root. Her preservation in the flood at S. Abb's Head. SOUTH-WEST ARCH. One of her miracles. Her translation.

"We wait the king," the ealdorman said. "No use," she answered. "One may see all the Polden Hills from this place, and tonight there are no fires on Edington height, where we have been wont to see them." Odda groaned. "My Etheldreda, you are the best captain of us all," he said.

"And if by any chance Alfred wins, I may be able to ask for mercy for the conquered." Then came in Thora, and her face was troubled. She had been trying to make Etheldreda go to the hill fort, where all the women and children of the countryside had been sent. "It is of no use," she said; "they will bide here." "Well," said Osmund, "then we will stay also.

As for Etheldreda, she would have me tell her everything, and I sat with those two, until night came and rest, talking of all the time past. But of the time to come Thora said nothing, and once or twice when Etheldreda left us and we were alone for a little while, so that I could try to plan out somewhat, she would but turn the talk again. In the morning I found out how this was.

Etheldreda, a virgin goddess, with all the host of heaven to back her, might she not, by intercession with powers still higher than her own, destroy both body and soul in hell? "We are betrayed. They are going to send for the Abbot from Angerhale," said Torfrida at last, reeling from the door, "All is lost." "Shall we burst open the door and kill them all?" asked Ranald, simply. "No, King, no.

He would give up the island, and St. Etheldreda should keep all her lands and honors. I said what I could; but who was I to resist the whole chapter? Could I alone brave St. Etheldreda's wrath?" "Alwyn, the valiant, afraid of a dead girl!" "Blaspheme not, Hereward! She may hear you at this moment! Look there!" and pointing up, the monk cowered in terror, as a meteor flashed through the sky.

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