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It is too bad that the now almost extinct race of Puritans did not have a few monks around to blame for the phenomenon of their failure to keep abreast of the race. If celibacy, therefore, means untrammeled vice, and marriage degenerates into New Englandism, the world will get along better with less of both.

Consider their relation to the elements, or to things elemental. We went farther than "Little Englandism" in those days; we produced little street and alley men by the hundred thousand; and then we bade them exercise their rights, their imperial heritage, and rule an Empire.

You will find the very names of the old futile cross-purposes of party warfare will fall into the limbo which has swallowed up the pillory, the stocks, and Little Englandism.

The editor of the New York Herald prefaces an account of a Catholic academy with the following remarks: "However divided public opinion may be as to secular and religious schools no matter what differences in opinion may exist in the community as to the policy of aiding or discouraging purely sectarian systems of education there can be but little opposition from any quarter to the verdict of experience given by many thousand families, that these devoted women the Sisters of the Catholic Church are the best teachers of young girls, the safest instructors in this age of loose, worldly, and rampant New Englandism.

She would have started as from a snake, from the issue which the reader very clearly foresees, that Lancelot would fall in love, not with Young Englandism, but with Argemone Lavington. But yet self is not eradicated even from a woman's heart in one morning before breakfast. Besides, it is not 'benevolence, but love the real Cupid of flesh and blood, who can first

Things look so different from opposite points of views. Church of Englandism, ii. 199. Romilly's Memoirs, iii. 33. 57 George III. caps. 60-67. Edition of 1828, p. 24. Ibid. p. 10. A Mr. I do not know whether this was the first appearance of the formula.

As she went southward on the street car for her careful New Englandism forbade her taking a taxicab in sunny weather she found herself reflecting with a smile that Boston in her recollection was an astonishing distance away.

Little Englandism, if that unfortunate term may be used to describe an essential and inevitable phase of imperial expansion, was the creed of all but one or two of the most capable and daring statesmen of the mid-Victorian age.

In his 'Church of Englandism' he proposes, if I recollect rightly, that a parish-boy should be taught to read the Liturgy; and he asks, Why send a person to the University for three or four years at an enormous expense, why teach him Latin and Greek, on purpose to read what any boy could be taught to read at a dame's school? What is the virtue of a clergyman's reading?

Charlotte was free from religious depression when in tolerable health; when that failed, her depression returned. You have probably seen such instances. I have heard her condemn Socinianism, Calvinism, and many other 'isms' inconsistent with Church of Englandism. I used to wonder at her acquaintance with such subjects." "May 10th, 1836.