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This solemn love and reverence for the continuous life of the physical universe may remind us that Arnold's teaching about humanity, subtle and searching as it is, has done less to endear him to many of his disciples, than his feeling for Nature. His is the kind of Nature-worship which takes nothing at second-hand.

The presence of these contradictory elements seems to influence every relation of Italian life; to make it capable of splendor, but barren of comfort; to endear beauty, but not goodness, to the Italian; to lead him to recognize and celebrate virtues, but not to practice them; to produce a civilization of the mind, and not of the soul.

After that he went to school in the basement of a church, where a number of boys and girls were taught by a master who knew how to endear study at least to my boy.

This lack of a literary manner, this appearance of writing like everybody else in his day, combines, with his character and habits, to endear him to a generation that has had its Pater and may find Stevenson too silky. More than most authors Borrow appears greater than his books, though he is their offspring.

It was well and beautifully done, and did we need anything to endear him to us this trait of character would do it, for it is a rare endowment, the power of overcoming all obstacles of pride, age, and the sad reserve self-condemnation brings us, and making confession a grateful healing." "I know it; we tell our sorrows to such as Geoffrey, our sins to such as Adam.

When she wishes to assert herself, she bullies; when she wishes to endear herself, she crawls; and the one device is no more successful than the other. Might is Right; but the sort of might which enables one nation to govern another in time of peace is very unlike the armoured thrust of the war-engine. It is a power compounded of sympathy and justice.

Hardy is a great poet as well as a great humorist, and if he were not a great artist also his humor would be enough to endear him to me. I come now, though not quite in the order of time, to the noblest of all these enthusiasms namely, my devotion for the writings of Lyof Tolstoy.

He was a nice youth, but precocious; he said to them: "I suppose you think Chellaston is a very pretty place, but I'll tell you what our natural beauties lack as yet. It is such a literature as you have in England, which has done so much to endear the wildflowers and birds and all natural objects there to the heart of the people.

I'm going into Society, I am, through the kindly aid of our friend here, who's taking such a lot of trouble on my account; and you'll find I've got all the qualities to endear me to people who entertain! So now that's all settled, and if you don't mind I'm an old-fashioned fellow don't want to turn you out, but " "Remember, you'll have to do your proper share of the fighting, dragon!" said St.

It arose from a characteristic of these Slavonic people which should endear them to us, namely, a very strong feeling of race and its responsibilities and a great tenacity when defending their political and religious liberty. It is particularly in the latter direction that the people of Bohemia and Moravia have been in close touch with English thought.