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Hence followed, on the part of the United States, the non-Importation Act, the Embargo Act of 1807-08, and other retaliatory measures of Jefferson's administration, coupled with reprisals at sea and other expedients to offset British empressment of American sailors and the right of search, so ruthlessly and annoyingly put in force against the newborn nation and her maritime people.

"Yes," he continued, in answer to the former's question, "I have had a voyage or two in my time, and one is accustomed to keep early hours at sea." "Begorrah, ye're right, sorr!" ejaculated the Irish mate, with an empressment that showed his earnestness. "An' a dale too airly for some ov us sometimes. Sure, an' a sailor's loife is a dog's loife entirely!"

These assurances he still suffered to escape him, with sufficient frequency and solemnity, to confirm that feeling of confidence which his promise of marriage had inspired in her mind. There was a subdued fondness in his voice, and an EMPRESSMENT in his manner, which was not all practice.

They formed a complex and magnificent toy, richly chased and filigreed, and gleaming with jewels, which, even in the deficient light, I could not help perceiving were of high value. "Eh bien! mon ami" she resumed with a certain empressment of manner that rather surprised me "Eh bien! mon ami, you have earnestly besought of me a favor which you have been pleased to denominate priceless.

I screamed and ran I remember nothing but arriving at the stile, and lo, on the other side, offering me his arm with empressment across the wooden barrier was " "Well?" "Well! don't you see?" "No oh yes, I see! fancy ah! Shall I tell you how he came to get first over? He ran more earnestly than you." "It is not Mr. Jerrold this time, I presume," said her satirical ladyship.

Then bending forward he kissed the Countess with empressment on both cheeks. She trembled under the caress, though she was hardly aware of it, for her eyes were on her husband, whose daily increasing dislike of herself she could not understand, and was only newly beginning to dread. Valerie, standing immediately behind the Countess, overheard and resented the details of the scene.

To that very spot had she conducted him on their ramble that afternoon. "Do you know this place, Mr. Stevens?" she demanded with an arch smile, sufficiently good-humored to convince the adventurer that, if she had any suspicions, they were not of a nature to endanger his hopes. "Do I not!" he said, with an air of EMPRESSMENT which caused her to look down.

"And are they arrested?" asked Ayrton, eagerly. "No," replied McNabbs, without apparently noticing the EMPRESSMENT of the quartermaster an EMPRESSMENT which, moreover, was reasonable enough under the circumstances. "So much the worse," replied Ayrton. "Well," said Glenarvan, "who are the authors of the crime?"

And yet, could I have reasoned rightly at this period, I must have seen that, if such were the case, there would have been no such display of EMPRESSMENT as William Edgerton made at these evening visits.

The next day, a beautiful April day, the Queen discovered was the forty-seventh birthday of the Emperor; and when she went to meet him in the corridor, she wished him joy and gave him a pencil-case. He smiled and kissed her hand, and accepted with empressment two violets the Buonapartes' flower brought to him by Prince Arthur.