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One of these little urchins, to complete the triumphant exultation with which this event was hailed, instantly threw himself on the animal, and clinging fast to it, was thus dragged to the huts. Each woman was observed to bring her =o=otk~oos~eek, or cooking-pot, to the hut where the seal was dissected, for the purpose of receiving a share of the meat and blubber.

I thought, at first, it would be fine to have a talking goat, with whom I could converse as I rode about my city on his back; but keek-eek-eek-eek! the rascal treats me as if I were a chimney sweep instead of a King. Heh, heh, heh, keek, eek! A chimney sweep-hoo, hoo, hoo! and me a King! Funny, isn't it?"

Heh, heh, heh woo, hoo!" laughed Rinkitink, and this is as near as I can spell with letters the jolly sounds of his laughter. "Fancy a King running away from his own ple hoo, hoo keek, eek, eek, eek! But I had to, don't you see!" "Why?" asked the other King. "They're afraid I'll get into mischief. They don't trust me. Keek-eek-eek Oh, dear me! Don't trust their own King. Funny, isn't it?"

I thought, at first, it would be fine to have a talking goat, with whom I could converse as I rode about my city on his back; but keek-eek-eek-eek! the rascal treats me as if I were a chimney sweep instead of a King. Heh, heh, heh, keek, eek! A chimney sweep hoo, hoo, hoo! and me a King! Funny, isn't it?"

"Zephirus eek, with his sweetë breeth" and many hearing it long to "goon on pilgrimages," or to the Maine woods to fish, or, waiting until the 19th, to leave Boston by boat and go up and down the shore to see how fared their summer cottages during the winter storms; some even imagine they have malaria and long for bitters as many men as many minds when

"His heed was balled, that shoon as any glas, And eek his face, as he hadde been anoint. He was a lord ful fat and in good point." The completeness of the picture of fourteenth century English life in the Canterbury Tales makes them absolutely necessary reading for the historian as well as for the student of literature.

"Your rocks are getting loose, Kaliko, and you'd better have them glued in place before they hurt someone." Then he began to chuckle: "Hoo, hoo, hoo-hee, hee-heek, keek, eek!" and Kaliko sat and frowned because he realized that the little fat King was poking fun at him.

I had just scolded severely my Lord High Chancellor for coming to breakfast without combing his eyebrows, and was so sad and regretful at having hurt the poor man's feelings that I decided to shut myself up in my own room and study the scroll until I knew how to be good hee, heek, keek, eek, eek! to be good! Clever idea, that, wasn't it? Mighty clever!

I fell in while running from those terrible warriors, and I've been standing in this damp hole ever since, with my head just above the water. It's lucky the well was no deeper, for had my head been under water, instead of above it hoo, hoo, hoo, keek, eek! under instead of over, you know why, then I wouldn't be talking to you now! Ha, hoo, hee!"

This last was addressed to Prince Inga, whom he chucked familiarly under the chin, to the boy's great embarrassment. "Why do you not ride a horse?" asked King Kitticut. "I can't climb upon his back, being rather stout; that's why. Kee, kee, keek, eek! rather stout hoo, hoo, hoo!"