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Updated: August 16, 2024

Until you chuck that maudlin bunch of slush and scenery at us. Where did you get that play, anyhow?" he asked insolently. "Why, he wrote it last summer," protested Edwina. "Yes?" his uplifted eyebrows were insulting as he glanced quizzically at Graemer. "Then he was about twenty-five years younger last summer than he is now.

"Maybe it would have been sadder if she'd married him," suggested Edwina ironically. "He is a grouch, you can't get around that." And the grouch, striding briskly up the avenue, was trying to be fair.

It was then offered to the Palmer, who, after a low obeisance, tasted a few drops. "Accept this alms, friend," continued the lady, offering a piece of gold, "in acknowledgment of thy painful travail, and of the shrines thou hast visited." The Palmer received the boon with another low reverence, and followed Edwina out of the apartment.

The letters which follow are from "Edwin Booth: Recollections by his daughter, Edwina Booth Grossman, and Letters to Her and to His Friends." Copyright, 1894, Century Company, New York. BOOTH'S THEATER, NEW YORK, November 15, 1871. MY OWN DEAR DAUGHTER: I arrived here last night, and found your pretty gift awaiting me.

In the long imaginary conversations which he held with her he addressed her as Julia or Edwina. Days and days went by and he could discover no sign that she had noticed him. It was typical of the "damned gentleman" side of Billy that he did not try to attract her attention. Indeed, his efforts were ever to efface himself.

I felt awful awkward when I had to kiss you in the other piece. I never did, really " He floundered a moment, but was presently blurting out the meagre details of that early amour with Edwina May Pulver. He stopped this recital in a sudden panic fear that the girl would make fun of him. He was immensely relieved when she merely renewed the strength of the handclasp. "I know.

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