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Imagination perpetually peers and creeps further down the avenues and vistas in the tubes of science, and one fancies every frantic reversal of proportions; the earwig striding across the echoing plain like an elephant, or the grasshopper coming roaring above our roofs like a vast aeroplane, as he leaps from Hertfordshire to Surrey.

Robertson, who at one time paid the Umhlali a visit, bringing with them their whole train of converts, servants, orphans, and adopted children, who could be easily accommodated by putting up fresh grass huts, to which even the Europeans of the party had become so accustomed, that they viewed a chameleon tumbling down on the dinner-table with rather more indifference than we do the intrusion of an earwig, quite acquiesced in periodically remaking the clay floor when the white ants were coming up through it, scorpions being found in the Archdeacon's whiskers, and green snakes, instead of mice, being killed by the cat.

It might have been one of that genus in the family of Forficulidce called Labidoura, monsters whose antennae have thirty joints! There is a species of this creature in England but to the great grief of naturalists, and to the great honor of Providence, very rarely found infinitely larger than the common earwig, or Forfaculida auriculana. Could it have been an early hornet?

I had often read of the earwig as an incubating insect, and much wished to see for myself how she carried out her motherly instincts. One bright May morning found me busily turning over stones, clinkers, and old tree-roots in a fernery, which, having been long undisturbed, seemed a likely spot for the nest I wished to find.

She feasted thus for four or five minutes, but I am sorry to add that, unlike the humane ants, who care tenderly for their aphides and preserve their lives by kind treatment, the earwig ended by munching up the unfortunate aphis, till not a trace of it was left.

The battle had been gliding toward the feet of the spectators; and now from the height of the cliff they could descry the decks, the guns, the coils of rope, the turmoil, and dark rush of men to their fate. Small fights, man to man, demanded still the power of a telescope, and distance made the trenchant arms of heroes, working right and left, appear like the nippers of an earwig.

It seems plain that it is not thought which produces the truth of the proposition 'I am in my room'. It may be true that an earwig is in my room, even if neither I nor the earwig nor any one else is aware of this truth; for this truth concerns only the earwig and the room, and does not depend upon anything else.

The surgeon will, in all probability, syringe the ear; therefore have a supply of warm water in readiness for him, in order that no time may be lost. If an earwig or any other living thing, should get into the ear of a child, what ought to be done? Lay the child on his side, the affected ear being uppermost, and fill the ear, from a tea-spoon, with either water or sweet oil.

'I dare say Rambrooke will have the Buckhounds, said the great noble, musingly. 'Your Lordship has not heard Clifford's name mentioned? continued Mr. Earwig.

This merchant, retired from business, was now as much engrossed with his health as ever he had been with his wealth. When Dr. Percy was first called in, he found his patient in a lamentable state, in an arm-chair, dying with the apprehension of having swallowed in a peach a live earwig, which he was persuaded had bred, was breeding, or would breed in his stomach.