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Updated: August 9, 2024

'Do you hear? he stormed, clapping his hands together. 'Glear for Act dwo. Look here, ladies and chentlemen, I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not zay to anypoty twice. From the moment when he gripped the idea that this was a rehearsal the place was a fairyland to Paul.

"Meess Norvell," and Albrecht stood rubbing his hands and smiling genially, "at Gilchrist we are pilled to blay for dwo nights, und der second blay vill be der 'Man from der Vest' you know dot bart, Ida Somers?" "Yes," she acknowledged, "I am perfectly acquainted with the lines, but who is to play Ralph Wilde?" "Mister Mooney, of course.

Gome on, poys, led's ged do vork; we haven'd done moosh dese lasd dwo days, und id von'd hurd us. Shoomp ub dere, zome of you und ged de sholly-boad oud of dad!" "Now," thought I, "what sort of a craft is this that I've blundered aboard of? She's Liberty Hall afloat, by the look of it Jack as good as his master!

Gross?" inquired the detective, laughing in spite of himself at the little fellow's distress. "Vell, I'll told you," he answered, mopping the perspiration which was streaming from his face. "I was tinkin' dot may be if you git dot fellow, you vould be vantin' me for a vitness, and s'help me Moses I vould not do dot not for dwo hundred tollar."

"This is no time for feasting to the refreshment of our carnal bodies," said Cæsar severely. "It's a time for praise and prayer." "I'll pud up a word or dwo," said the Constable meekly. "Masther Niplightly," said Cæsar, "don't be too ready to show your gift. It's vanity. I'll engage in prayer myself." And Cæsar offered praise for all departed in faith and fear.

We must work the harder to let the thoughtful people of the city know what we are trying to do." "Thoughtful people!" Again his scorn ran beyond his words for a moment and his tongue grew German. "Doughtful beople. Dey dondt bay dwo tollors fer seats! Our pusiness iss to attract the rich the gay theatre-goers. Who is going to pring a theatre-barty to see a sermon on the stage hay?"

If a man tells me a sdory that is only dirdy, I co someveres else. I am a goot man. For dwendy-three hours and fifty-eight minutes in a tay I am as bure-minded as a child; then, in the ott dwo minutes somepoty tells me a dirdy sdory. I laugh, and I go avay, and I think of my blays and my boedry and my pusiness. It is water on a duck's pack. 'Dirty water, said Paul.

Idt wass a year or dwo pefore the war proke oudt, anyway." "Those were exciting times," said Dryfoos, making his first entry into the general talk. "I went down to Indianapolis with the first company from our place, and I saw the red-shirts pouring in everywhere. They had a song, "Oh, never mind the weather, but git over double trouble, For we're bound for the land of Canaan."

Idt wass a year or dwo pefore the war proke oudt, anyway." "Those were exciting times," said Dryfoos, making his first entry into the general talk. "I went down to Indianapolis with the first company from our place, and I saw the red-shirts pouring in everywhere. They had a song, "Oh, never mind the weather, but git over double trouble, For we're bound for the land of Canaan."

Idt wass a year or dwo pefore the war proke oudt, anyway." "Those were exciting times," said Dryfoos, making his first entry into the general talk. "I went down to Indianapolis with the first company from our place, and I saw the red-shirts pouring in everywhere. They had a song, "Oh, never mind the weather, but git over double trouble, For we're bound for the land of Canaan."

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