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"The pastrycook's man is looking after all that, Jane," said Boaler's voice. "I've been up outside the droring-room all this time, lookin' at the games goin' on in there. It's as good as a play to see the way as master is a unbendin' of himself, and such a out and out stiff-un as he used to be, too! But it ain't what I like to see in a respectable house. I'm glad I give warning.

He never would rush into the lion's den in this way. John Thomas, who gave you this?" "Which the gentleman is in the droring-room, sir," responded John Thomas, "as likewise the lady." Mr. Bryson rushed for the drawing-room, flung wide the door, and confronted Mr. Parmalee. "Good-evening, squire," said the American.

Bonner says, how, the second season in London, Mr. Soppington was a-goin' to propose for her, and actially came one day, and sor her fling a book into the fire, and scold her mother so, that he went down softly by the back droring-room door, which he came in by; and next thing we heard of him was, he was married to Miss Rider.

The last time ah, I recklect well, I was called in to see if somethink wasn't wrong with the ballcock in the top cistin. I see there was somethink, and I come away as usual. That day week, old Mr. Rummles was took with a fit on the floor in the back droring-room, which broke up the 'ouse!

Fairfax come this morning, and didn't stop above a quarter of a hour; but William was outside the droring-room door all the time, and there was no loud talking, nor quarrelling, nor nothink." "That Fairfax is a villain," replied Mrs. Brobson. "I don't forget the day he kissed baby in Arden Park. I never see any good come of a single gentleman kissing a lady's baby, voluntary.

'Oh, no, miss, nothin' like that, only only well, it was what I see when 'e was standin' in the droring-room the other day, an' I was just at the door 'I quite understand, Elizabeth. He has burnt a hole in that beautiful pile carpet. 'No, miss, he 'Then he has scorched the rose silk tapestry on the couch! It is my opinion that he should not be allowed in the drawing-room at all.

Bonner says, how, the second season in London, Mr. Soppington was a-goin' to propose for her, and actially came one day, and sor her fling a book into the fire, and scold her mother so, that he went down softly by the back droring-room door, which he came in by; and next thing we heard of him was, he was married to Miss Rider.

"She didn't go down to breakfast, nor yet to lunch," said Eliza, who had her information fresh and fresh from one of the footmen; "and Mr. Granger's been a-walking up and down the droring-room as if he was a-doing of it for a wager, William Baker says. Mr.

I come in early this morning a-purpose to turn out these two rooms, the dining-room and the droring-room, same as I always do of a Saturday, along of the lidy's horders and wishes. I come in 'ere fust, to pull up the blinds and that, and d'reckly I switches on the light 'Burglars! I sez to meself, 'Burglars! That's wot it is! seeing the nasty mess the place was in.

I introjuiced myself to these Jents, and intend to improve the equaintance, and peraps ast Guvmint for a Barnetcy. "But there was ANOTHER pusn womb on this droring-room I fust had the inagspressable dalite to beold.