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Then hail to the hero whom victory leads, Triumphant, from fields of renown! From kingdoms left barren! from plains drench'd in blood! And the sacking of many a fair town! I was too full of my subject, and poet like too much delighted with the verses I had so suddenly produced, not to shew them immediately to Mr. Evelyn.

There came a knight from the field of slain, His steed was drench'd in blood and rain. Finlay. We must now return to the fortress of Tillietudlem and its inhabitants.

Ah, lamp thy lover labouring in the surge! "Fray'd rope, burst sail, Drench'd wing, as moth toward the spark I fetch, I fail, Glad only that the gale Breaks not my faith upon the brutal dark. "Be it frost or fire, Thy bosom, I believed it warm: I did aspire For that, and my desire Burn thou or freeze fought thro' and beat the storm.

There came a knight from the field of slain, His steed was drench'd in blood and rain. Finlay. We must now return to the fortress of Tillietudlem and its inhabitants.

The labouring hull already seems half fill'd With water, through an hundred leaks distill'd: Thus drench'd by every wave, her riven deck, Stript and defenceless, floats a naked wreck." Newton remained at Bridgetown, under the roof of Mr Kingston, for more than three weeks, by which time the brig was laden, and waiting for convoy to proceed to England.

"Spoil'd spoil'd!" he scream'd: "drench'd in filthy liquor, when it should have breath'd but a taste!" And, to my amazement, he sprang on the strapping servant like a wild-cat, and began to beat, cuff, and belabor him with all the strength of his puny limbs. 'Twas like a scene out of Bedlam.

The peacock was also an important dish for the Christmas feast; and Massinger, in his "City Madam," gives some idea of the extravagance with which this, as well as other dishes, was prepared for the gorgeous revels of the olden times: Men may talk of Country Christmasses, Their thirty pound butter'd eggs, their pies of carps' tongues; Their pheasants drench'd with ambergris: the carcases of three fat wethers bruised for gravy to make sauce for a single peacock!

Only in some early Prim-roses it destroy'd the greatest part of the Colour, and made the Paper almost White agen. And the bruis'd Madder it self being drench'd with the like Alcalizate Solution, exchang'd also its Yellowishness for a Redness. An admonition touching the four preceding Experiments.

All hail to the hero whom victory leads, Triumphant, from fields of renown! From kingdoms left barren! from plains drench'd in blood! And the sacking of many a fair town! His gore-dripping sword shall hang high in the hall; Revered for the havoc it spread! For the deaths it has dealt! for the terrors it struck! And the torrents of blood it has shed!

The labouring hull already seems half fill'd With water, through an hundred leaks distill'd: Thus drench'd by every wave, her riven deck, Stript and defenceless, floats a naked wreck. Newton remained at Bridgetown, under the roof of Mr Kingston, for more than three weeks, by which time the brig was laden, and waiting for convoy to proceed to England.