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Later on, the "Lunch, or Cooper's Club," met in Washington Hall, corner of Broadway and Chambers Street. Among its distinguished members were Chancellor Kent, DeKay, naturalist, King, later president of Columbia College, the authors Verplanck, Bryant, and Halleck, Morse the inventor, the artists Durand and Jarvis, and Wiley the publisher.

Lamont who killed 600 of these animals, the hood is rudimentary in the females, and it is not developed in the males during youth. On the sea-elephant, see an article by Lesson, in 'Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. tom. xiii. p. 418. For the Cystophora, or Stemmatopus, see Dr. Dekay, 'Annals of Lyceum of Nat. Hist. New York, vol. i. 1824, p. 94.

Said he: "I remember, too, being somewhat startled, coming as I did from the seclusion of a country life, with a certain emphatic frankness of manner, which, however, I came at last to like and admire." Many an attractive page might be written of these talks with Mathews, rambles with DeKay, and daily chats with his old messmates of the sea, and this "Bread and Cheese Club."

Dawson in 1906: DeKay, our relative. "The darkest hour is just before the day"; we have had the blackest night for almost three months, and I don't see the light yet. "Better days are coming " I am getting skeptical, I fear me. I look forward to my future life with a shudder. This one cannot last long; I will be "up and doing" before many months are past. Doing what?

Into this atmosphere of charm came delightful and delighting Joseph Rodman Drake, with his "six feet two" of splendid youth; he was thought by some "the handsomest man in New York." From out this brilliant group comes the record that "'Culprit Fay, written in August, 1816," says Halleck, "came from Cooper, Drake, DeKay, and Halleck, speaking of Scottish streams and their inspiration for poetry.

Deer, Virginian, colour of the, not affected by castration; colours of. Deerhound, Scotch, greater size of the male. Defensive orders of mammals. De Geer, C., on a female spider destroying a male. Dekay, Dr., on the bladder-nose seal. Delorenzi, G., division of malar bone. Demerara, yellow fever in. Dendrocygna. Dendrophila frontalis, young of.

To this club belonged, among others, Chancellor Kent the jurist; Verplanck, the editor of Shakespeare; Jarvis the painter; Durand the engraver; DeKay the naturalist; Wiley the publisher; Morse the inventor of the electric telegraph; Halleck and Bryant, the poets. It met weekly, and Cooper, whenever he was in the city, was invariably present. More than that, he was the life and soul of it.

The casualties were few, but Lieutenant George DeKay, a gallant and attractive young officer, serving as aide-de-camp to General Williams, received a mortal wound. On the 29th the troops under Williams once more landed and took post at Baton Rouge.