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If I have not lost my mind I have accurately conveyed those two Vesuvian irruptions of philosophy. Let us examine this paralyzing Deduction or Explanation by the light of a few sane facts. This universality of "protection" has existed in our country from the beginning; before the death penalty existed in New England, and during all the generations that have dragged by since it was annulled.

But they had little to boast on the score of arrangement, and discovered little skill in the strictness of an accurate deduction. Meanwhile the Schoolmen had a surprising subtlety in weaving the web of an argument, and arriving by a close deduction, through a multitude of steps, to a sound and irresistible conclusion.

It is unfortunate that in the discussions of induction and deduction the differences have been so emphasized that they have been regarded as different processes, whereas the likenesses far outweigh the differences. An examination of the requirements of each as stated above shows that the process in the two is the same.

Haggerty enjoyed listening to his patter; and often there were illuminating flashes which obtained results for the detective, who never applied his energies in the direction of logical deduction. Besides, the chairs in the studio were comfortable, the imported beer not too cold, and the cigars beyond criticism.

D'Hubert, without questioning the accuracy of the deduction, did not see that it advanced him much on his official quest. For his quest after Lieut. Feraud had an official character. He did not know any of the women this fellow, who had run a man through in the morning, was likely to visit in the afternoon. The two young men knew each other but slightly. He bit his gloved finger in perplexity.

Two Methods of Exhibiting the Truth Every Mind Either Realistic or Romantic Marion Crawford's Faulty Distinction A Second Unsatisfactory Distinction A Third Unsatisfactory Distinction Bliss Perry's Negative Definition The True Distinction One of Method, Not of Material Scientific Discovery and Artistic Expression The Testimony of Hawthorne A Philosophic Formula Induction and Deduction The Inductive Method of the Realist The Deductive Method of the Romantic Realism, Like Inductive Science, a Strictly Modern Product Advantages of Realism Advantages of Romance The Confinement of Realism The Freedom of Romance Neither Method Better Than the Other Abuses of Realism Abuses of Romance.

"By the gold tooth of the Witch of Endor!" I cried, "if you can construe all that from his appearance you are dealing in nothing else than black art." "The habit of observation nothing more," said Jolnes. "If the old gentleman gets off the car before we do, I think I can demonstrate to you the accuracy of my deduction." Three blocks farther along the gentleman rose to leave the car.

And that bit of porcelain it's brandishing at us looks like a match for some of these smashed bits on the floor. It got in here, I suppose, through that window, earlier, and " "No," corrected the Mistress, wiser at deduction. "Through the doorway, downstairs. From somewhere outside. Probably while the maid was dusting the dining-room.

This right Louis XVI had seemed in part to recognize by providing that the number of elected representatives of the Third Estate should equal the combined numbers of those of the First and Second Estates. The commoners naturally drew the deduction from the royal concession that they were to exercise paramount political influence in the Estates- General of 1789.

This was the prudent woman's clear deduction from the state wherein she found herself, created by the one first great step of the mad woman.