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'I b'lieve not, indeed, says the waiver; 'many thanks to your majesty. 'But that is not all I'll do for you, says the king; 'I'll give you my daughther too in marriage, says he.

You're both my friends, an' may this be poison to me, but I'll spake like an honest man, for the one as well as for the other. "Well, then," said Donovan, "how is Phelim to support my daughther, Larry? Sure that's a fair questin', any way." "Wiry, Paddy," replied Larry, "when Phelim gets her, he'll have a patch of his own, as well as another.

Bring her back to ye and kape her with ye until the right man comes along an' he must be an Irishman straight of limb an' of character with the joy of livin' in his heart and the love of yer little girl first to him in the wurrld, an' then ye'll know ye've done the right thing by her; for it's the only happiness yer Peg'll ever know to be an Irish wife an' an Irish mother as well as an Irish daughther.

Connor seized the glossy ringlet from his mother's hand, and placed it at the moment next to the seat of his undying affection for the fair girl from whose ebon locks it had been taken. His mother then kissed Una again, and, rising, said "Now, my daughther, remimber I am your mother, an' obey me." "I will," said Una, attempting to repress her grief "I will; but " "Yes, darlin', you will.

"I'm not angry that he didn't marry my daughther for I wouldn't give her to him now but I am at the slight he put an her." "Paddy Donovan, did you hear what I said jist now?" replied Phelim, "I wish to Jamini some people 'ud have sinse! Be them five crasses, I knew thim I intinded to marry, as well as I do where I'm standin'. That's plain talk, Paddy.

So much pleased was he with the young gentleman, so artless, honest, and cheerful did Pen seem to be, that the Captain finally made him an invitation, which he very seldom accorded to young men, and asked Pen if he would do him the fever to enter his humble abode, which was near at hand, where the Captain would have the honour of inthrojuicing his young friend to his daughther, Miss Fotheringay?

Afther awhile his daughter, the jook's financee, come along; an', seein' the jook, says she, 'Pappa, she says, 'inthrojooce me to ye'er frind. 'Jook, says Ganderbilk, 'shake hands with me daughther. She's your's, he says. An' so they were marrid. "Well, Jawn," said Mr.

Nayther did I. When times have been the hardest I've never heard a word of complaint from me father, nor seen a frown on his face. An' he's never used a harsh word to me in me life. Sure we're more like boy and girl together than father and daughther." Her eyes began to fill and her voice to break. "An' I'm sick for the sight of him.

Much serious conversation had already passed in reference to the courtship, which was finally entered into and debated, pro and con. "Now, Paddy Donovan, that we're altogether, let me tell you one thing: there's not a betther natur'd boy, nor a stouther, claner young fellow in the parish, than my Phelim. He'll make your daughther as good, a husband as ever broke bread!"

The same youth was never at a loss for a piece of invintion whin it sarved him. No, the sarra word of thruth at all was in it. He soodered an' palavered a daughther of Owen Connor's, Susy all the daughther he has, indeed before he wint to Maynewth at all, they say.