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Franz, that's the butler, sir, told me yesterday evening that he had received a telegram saying that the lady and gentleman had arrived safely and were very comfortably fixed in the Hotel Danieli. You know Danieli's?" "Yes, I do. I also was one of the few people who did not know Venice, that is I was until two years ago.

"No, no," he answered, in haste. "He'd stopped before I left. He's all right, I imagine. Here's the Danieli." She fastened a shawl more closely about her mother, whom I, with a ringing in my ears, was trying to help up the stone steps. "Rufus, I hope," the sweet voice continued, so gently, "I hope he's found something to do that's very grand! Don't you? Something to make up to him for doing that!"

When the little boat reached the landing stage, there were but a few steps more to the door of the Hotel Danieli. From a balcony on the first floor a young woman stood looking down onto the canal. She too was pale and her eyes were heavy with anxiety.

"You're living at the Calle della Cortesia with Giovanna Danieli; you're wishing to enter the service of the exalted Council of Ten." "I wish to devote my services to the republic." "Your papers from Brescia are in order. The advocate, for whom you've worked for five years, recommends you as an intelligent and reliable man.

Over the others fly the Red Cross flags, and in their windows and on their terraces lounge wounded soldiers. The smoking-room of the Danieli, where so many generations of travelling Americans have chatted over their coffee and cigars, has been converted into a rifugio, in which the guests can find shelter in case of an air attack.

The Witherspoons were in the far niente, floating on the Grand Canal in beautiful Venice, while the young beauty selected Alice's letter from a sheaf handed to them by the porter of the Hotel Danieli, who pursued them in a gondola. The married lovers were now on their way to the Nile and the eternal glow of its cloudless skies.

There was a Lieutenant Theobald Leining in the single infantry regiment stationed at Marburg. Muller took a cab and drove to the main telegraph office. He asked for the original of the telegram which had been sent that afternoon to the address; "Herbert Thorne, Hotel Danieli, Venice." This closed the circle of the chain. The detective re-entered his waiting cab and drove back to Hietzing.

So before leaving home in 1849, he had made up his mind that the next work would be "The Stones of Venice," which, on the appearance of "The Seven Lamps," was announced by the publishers as in preparation. He left home again early in October; by the end of November he was settled with his wife at Hôtel Danieli, Venice, for the winter.

Hoskins came regularly to see him, and supplied his place at the table d'hôte of the Danieli, going to and fro with the ladies, and efficiently protecting them from the depredations of the Austrian soldiery. From Mr.

We reached Venice at an unearthly hour of a March morning and the first thing I knew of it somebody was shouting, "Venezia!" and I was startled from a sound sleep, and porters were scrambling for our bags, and we were stumbling after them, up a long platform, between a crowd of men in hotel caps yelling: "Danieli!"