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If they would only stand still, we might think the dandelions had blossomed. On an evergreen-bough, looking at them, sits a graceful bird, whose back is bluer than the sky. There is a red tint on the tips of the boughs of the hard maple. With Nature, color is life. See, already, green, yellow, blue, red!

In this nobly tranquil work, in which there is no hint of sadness or revolt, are to be found all his usual inevitableness of composition and perfection of draughtsmanship note the effect of repetition in the sheep, "forty feeding like one" but the glory of the picture is in the infinite recession of the plain that lies flat, the exact notation of the successive positions upon it of the things that stand upright, from the trees and the hay wain in the extreme distance, almost lost in sky, through the sheep and the sheep-dog and the shepherdess herself, knitting so quietly, to the dandelions in the foreground, each with its "aureole" of light.

"What mak' you no lak me anna more, Mees Jan? I big annough to carry da buke," said Carl. "Why, how you talk, Carl! I never said such a word," said Jennie, leaning over the fence, her heart fluttering. The air was soft as a caress. Opal-tinted clouds with violet shadows sailed above the low hills. In the shade of the fence dandelions had burst into bloom.

I am busy with the hawkweeds; that is to say, I am learning to distinguish and to name as many as I can. Why should I be content to say, "Oh, it's a hawkweed"? That is but one degree less ungracious than if I dismissed all the yellow-rayed as "dandelions." I feel as if the flower were pleased by my recognition of its personality.

As in that memory a minute ago which had acted an entire scene upon his mind, Kimberly, hybrid of weed and flower, was there in his mind's eye like rife dandelions.

For she had received no letter from Walter in two weeks, and the next item on the bill of fare was dandelions dandelions with some kind of egg but bother the egg! dandelions, with whose golden blooms Walter had crowned her his queen of love and future bride dandelions, the harbingers of spring, her sorrow's crown of sorrow reminder of her happiest days.

You'll weed, Groundsel! and leave Mary to get up the docks and dandelions, and clear away the heap. But, never mind. Here we've taken Mary's game, and she hasn't even got a part." "Yes," said I, "I have; I have got a capital part. I have only to think of a name." "How shall you be dressed?" asked Adela. "I don't know yet," said I. "I have only just thought of the part."

He would see her when she emerged from the fernery, come swaying just a little, a violet-grey figure passing over the daisies and dandelions and 'soldiers' on the lawn the soldiers with their flowery crowns.

The hawthorn was in bloom, and the river-banks and roadsides were gay with dandelions and violets, daisies and buttercups. Far away the mountains lifted their blue summits to the sky, and on a nearer hill they could see the gray towers of the castle of the Laird of Glen Cairn.

If he could not hear any footsteps, all he had to do was to rush across the road there, only two or three yards, to the rough grass, the dandelions, and the docks opposite. Just there there was an iron grating made in the wall of the house to let in the air and keep the rats out; but one of the bars had rusted off and was broken, and that was the mouse's track to the corn-bin.