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"Oh, never mind that," replied the duke; "if he grows sullen about it, why well; if he is loud and vehement, better still; and should his anger lead him to the commission of any act of folly, depend upon it we will take advantage of it." As I foresaw, the comte de Broglie was deeply offended, and wrote to the duc d'Aiguillon a letter full of imprudent expressions.

We continued some time to talk of parliaments and parliament men: then we agreed that M. de Maupeou should see me again, accompanied by the duc d'Aiguillon, who should have the credit of presenting him, and he left me with as much mystery as he had entered.

This relation on the part of the duc d'Aiguillon was but ill calculated to restore my drooping spirits, and although I had no reason for concluding that the astrologer had spoken prophetically to the grand cardinal, I was not the less inclined to believe, with increased confidence, the predictions uttered respecting myself by my inexplicable visitor of the morning.

An incessant underhand war was carried on between the friends and partisans of M. de Choiseul, who were called the Austrians, and those who sided with Messieurs d'Aiguillon, de Maurepas, and de Vergennes, who, for the same reason, kept up the intrigues carried on at Court and in Paris against the Queen.

About the same time two wealthy enthusiasts, the Duchesse d'Aiguillon, a niece of Cardinal Richelieu, and Madame de la Peltrie, were likewise inspired by the Relations to undertake charitable work in New France. These ladies founded, respectively, the Hotel-Dieu of Quebec and the Ursuline Convent.

Madame de Grammont was furious at this affair. The duc d'Aiguillon, who was close to her, had seen all, heard all, and related particulars to me. The same day I told the king of my trick and its success. He laughed excessively, and then scolded me for at all compromising his Danish majesty. "How, sire?" was my reply. "I did not sign his name; I have not forged his signature.

At the foot of the bed knelt the daughters of the king, who in soft whispers were trying to comfort their miserable father. "The king wishes to bid adieu to his friends!" cried the Duke d'Aiguillon, in a loud voice. Here was a dilemma!

In unravelling the hidden allusions of Charles's correspondence, I at first recognised Madame d'Aiguillon in Charles's friend 'La Grandemain. The name seemed a suitable sobriquet, for a lady with gros bras, like Madame d'Aiguillon, might have large hands. The friendship of 'La Grandemain' with the philosophe, Montesquieu, also pointed to Madame d'Aiguillon.

I afterwards repeated to the minister of Deux Ponts what I had previously stated in the garden to M. de Cosse, and had the satisfaction of hearing madam d'Aiguillon approve of my sentiments. When I retired to my apartment I was followed by my niece. "How happy are you, dear aunt," said she, 'to preserve such friends in your present troubles."

Her attempt at Rouen thus receiving a complete check, she had some hope of being received into the citadel of Havre, but the Duchess de Richelieu, though her friend, was not so much mistress there as the Duchess d'Aiguillon, who, on the contrary, was full of resentment against her.