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Not so; the story's whirling flood swept us forward to a juncture ever drawing nearer and clearer, clearer and crueler, where a certain man would have to choose between the woman he loved and that breadth and fruitfulness of life to which his splendid gifts imperiously pointed him. Oh, you story-tellers!

The Council of Troubles the "Blood-tribunal" was immediately established, and the land was filled with blood. In a short time he totally annihilated every privilege of the people, and with unrelenting cruelty put multitudes of them to death. The more the peasants rebelled, the crueler were the methods of Alva.

Could any crueler slur than this have been cast on a woman at the outs et of her married life, before the face of her husband, and in the presence of two strangers from another country? Is "martyrdom" too big a word to use in describing what a sensitive person must have suffered, subjected to such treatment as this? Well, I think not. We took our places at the dinner-table.

I believe that I should I am sure that I should. As it is as your friend " "Ah, hush! Friendship is crueler than hate." "Cruel?" "Yes; the worst cruelty when we seek love a stone proffered us when we ask for bread in famine!"

"The annals of its recorded history reach over a period of twelve thousand years" replied Zuriel, . . "But 'tis the present fashion to count from the Deification of Nagaya or the Snake, and, according to this, we are now in the nine hundred and eighty-ninth year of so-called Grace and Knowledge, rather say Dishonor and Crime! ... for a crueler, more bloodthirsty creed than the worship of Nagaya never debased a people!

"But, man," said Sturgis, "he didn't want to marry her, and seeing he didn't, nothing could have been crueler to her, to say nothing of himself, than to have done so." "Well, then," said Mathewson, "why did he go and get her in love with him?" "Why, he took his risk and she hers, for the fun of the game. She happened to be the one who paid for it, but it might just as well have been he.

To add to the fiendishness of their cruel savagery was the poignant memory of still crueler barbarities practiced upon them and theirs by the white officers of that arch hypocrite, Leopold II of Belgium, because of whose atrocities they had fled the Congo Free State a pitiful remnant of what once had been a mighty tribe.

And thus seeing life, have not bright things been doubly bright to us and dark things but half as dark?" He merely repeated his warning: "It is a story of a crueler age than ours. It goes back to the forest worship of the Druids." She answered: "So long as our own age is cruel, what room is left to take seriously the mere stories of crueler ones?

There were two reasons for it. The first the one most often heard was the story going round that he had been, and probably still was, out of his mind. No deadlier or crueler weapon can be used against a man than that same charge as to his sanity. It has been known to destroy, or seriously maim, brilliant and able men with no trace of any of the untrustworthy kinds of insanity.

The force of daily usage, the necessary bending of thoughts in certain habitual directions, had assisted the crippling process, and though the power still lay there, stiffer than of yore, yet the preliminary movements and readjustments used up time and strength, and then gradually, with the perpetual repetition of adverse habits, the whole process became slower, harder, crueler.