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Updated: August 9, 2024

Of course the man who killed him, a gambler of the town, was fully exonerated at the inquest, and was never even indicted for the killing. The Indians' Admirers and Critics At School and After Indian Courtship and Marriage Extraordinary Dances Gambling by Instinct How "Cross-Eye" Lost his Pony Pawning a Baby Amusing and Degrading Scenes on Annuity Day.

"Cross-Eye", and a conversation ensued as to the value of the pony and the probable price that it would realize. The two men soon got angry on the subject, and finally the owner of the pony bet his animal's critic the pony against $20.00 that it would realize at least the last-named sum.

His ugliness was embittered somewhat by sunken, toothless jaws and an enigmatical stare from a cross-eye; he was also knock-kneed, and as an erstwhile gunpowder worker, had lost two fingers and a large part of one ear.

But Ezra saw only the plain middle-aged woman the contrast to the blooming divinity whose image yet filled his soul. And he was committed to her who held his hand, unequivocally committed in writing. If he sent heavenward an agonized prayer for deliverance from a trying crisis, his petition was soon answered. And the merciful instrument was even she of the cross-eye.

With this extra stimulus for driving a good bargain, the man offered his pony to a number of white men, and finally found one who needed an animal at once, and who was willing to pay $20.00 for the antiquated quadruped. "Cross-Eye" made a number of guttural noises indicative of his delight, and promptly collected the second $20.00.

"I am Miss Musgrove. But you didn't know me," she added, archly, while Ezra made his bravest effort at cordiality, seizing her hand in an agony which it is better not to attempt to describe. Miss Musgrove's face was wholesome, and so kindly that not even a cross-eye had power to spoil it.

Wood, who had a farm above ours, was a remarkably slender young man, and to him they gave the appellation of Metiz, "thin stick." A woman, that occasionally worked for me, had a disagreeable squint; she was known in Indian by the name of Sachabo, "cross-eye." A gentleman with a very large nose was Choojas, "big, or ugly nose."

An' ef it hadn't o' been dat I knowed what a cook she was, tell de trufe, de Widder Simpson's cross-eye would o' discour'ged me off enti'ely. "But now," he continued, chuckling; "but now I done got usen ter it; it's purty ter me seem like hit's got a searchin' glance dat goes out'n its way ter fin' me."

"Ef ever you falls in love wid air cross-eyed lady, an' craves ter co't'er, you des turn down de lamp low 'fo' yer comes ter de fatal p'int, ur else set out on de po'ch in de fainty moonlight, whar yer can't see 'er eyes, caze dey's nothin' puts a co'tin' man out, and meek 'im lose 'is pronouns wuss 'n a cross-eye.

By neglecting this rule, an unnatural and permanent contraction of the muscle is liable to be produced, as is illustrated in the numerous instances of strabismus, or cross-eye, which are every where too common. We should accustom the eye to viewing objects at different distances.

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