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"I wouldn't insure his life for five cents," returned the other with conviction. "Your editor is crazy-mad over this Mrs. Eyre. So there you have him delivered, shorn and helpless, and Delilah doesn't even suspect that she's acting as our agent." Marrineal's eyes fixed themselves in a lifeless sort of stare upon a far corner of the ceiling.

There was a gasping pause, the sound of a big man breathing hard, followed by the slamming of the door, and they were alone together again, Ardea crying softly, with her face hidden on the shoulder of shielding. "Oh, isn't it terrible?" she sobbed; and Tom held her the closer. "Never mind," he comforted. "He was crazy-mad, as he had a good right to be.

Folks have gone crazy-mad over the city folks who have swooped down upon us, like a a hawk! Every house full of those raving lunatics going on about the views, and the the artistic desolation! That's what those dirty, spotty looking things on the Hills call it.

But Doane, who had brought the paper, caught his arm. "Don't be a fool. Put that pistol away," he warned. "The public's crazy-mad about the Cora verdict. They won't stand for shooting King." "Listen," said McGowan, craftily, "go up there and protest like a gentleman. Try to make the insult you in the presence of a witness.... Afterward we'll see."

"I think he likes it here only for the crazy-mad political feeling; and I think he's settled down for good." "High time, I think, at his age." "You needn't talk! Dad's only ten years older than you are." She leaned her cheek on her hand, she brushed back a little stray tendril of midnight hair from her dark eyes, and considered him thoughtfully.

Burns ketchin' me, like he did, an' me a-seein' him with her in his arms, made me plumb crazy-mad, an' I 'lowed I'd fix hit so's he couldn't never have her nohow, so I I done told pap 'bout him bein' Brian Kent what had robbed that there bank, an' how there was er lot of reward-money a-waitin' for anybody that'd tell on him." Auntie Sue was too shocked to speak.