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A good description of a cavalry charge was given by Private Capel of the Third British Hussars, a veteran of the Boer war, who took part in the fighting beginning at Mons and was separated from his regiment in a charge at Coulommiers, in the battle of the Marne, when his horse fell. "You hear," said he, "the enemy's bugles sounding the charge.

Under Henry III. there were no more than eight dukedoms in the peerage, and it was to the great vexation of the king that the Baron de Mantes, the Baron de Courcy, the Baron de Coulommiers, the Baron de Chateauneuf-en-Thimerais, the Baron de la Fère-en-Lardenois, the Baron de Mortagne, and some others besides, maintained themselves as barons peers of France.

"We're lost," they said, "cut off from our brigade." "That's nothing. How many of you are there? Enough to fight? The Germans are coming on hard and fast." "We're only two and our horses are done for. We were driven out of Coulommiers this morning." My driver threw up his hands and sobbed.

The amiable and intelligent octogenarian had no need of indulgence. Her Memoirs possess irresistible attraction, grace, exquisite naturalness, and we are convinced that when they are published as they must be sooner or later they will excite universal interest. Born at Paris in 1773, the Duchess of Gontaut was the daughter of Count Montault-Navailles and of the Countess, NEE Coulommiers.

"Thank you for your cart, and bon voyage to Coulommiers. George, tell my people to meet me in Melun." It was an exciting trip, that race for life and death for every moment I knew my wounded boy was growing weaker, and every convulsive kick meant the disappearance of so much life blood.

"Tuesday the 2d of August he passed the night in the town of Provins, and had the best possible reception there, and remained till the Friday following, the 5th August. Sunday the 7th the King lay at the town of Coulommiers in Brie. Wednesday the 10th he lay at La Ferte- Milon, Thursday at Crespy in Valois Friday at Laigny-le-Sec.

From this review of the forced retirement of General von Kluck, it will be seen that the German right was compelled to sustain an attack at three points, from the Sixth French Army on the banks of the Ourcq, from the British army in the region of Coulommiers and from the Fifth French Army near Courtaçon. Each of these attacks was of a widely different character.

That seemed to mean that the heaviest firing was over the hill and not on it, or did it mean that the battle was receding? If it did, then the Allies were retreating. There was no way to discover the truth. And all this time the cannon thundered in the southeast, in the direction of Coulommiers, on the route into Paris by Ivry.

Denis-les-Rebaix, a mother-in-law and a little boy of eight years old, and at Coulommiers a husband and two children, were witnesses to outrages committed on the mother of the family. Sometimes the attacks were individual and sometimes committed by bodies of men, e.g., at Melen-Labouxhe, Margaret W. was violated by twenty German soldiers, and then shot by the side of her father and mother.

In Brittany, on market-days, there is never a lack of pious worshippers; here it is not so, the good folks of Seine et Marne evidently being inclined to materialism. The interior of this picturesque church is very quaintly coloured, and, as a whole, it is well worth seeing. Like many other towns in these parts, Coulommiers dates from an ancient period, and long belonged to the English crown.