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His eldest son, who, after his father, was named Gabriel, married a Miss Charlotte Corde, by whom he had six children Esther, Gabriel, Isaac, Benjamin, Job, and our hero Francis, the least as well as the last of the family.

Next day, before dawn, the march began. The battalia was led by Van der Noot, with six companies of Hollanders. Then came Vere, with eight companies of the reserve, Dockray with eight companies of Englishmen, Murray with eight companies of Scotch, and Kloetingen and La Corde with twelve companies of Dutch and Zeelanders.

Having measured this rock geometrically, the result is as follows: «Le plus grand des arcs de cercle que forment ces couches extérieures de ce rocher, a donc pour corde une ligne d'environ 800 pieds: dans toute cette étendue, ces couches de même que les intérieures sont suivies sans interruption.

This notwithstanding, as Segrais confesses, he might have shown a little more sensibility when he left her, for that had been according to his character. But let Virgil answer for himself. He still loved her, and struggled with his inclinations to obey the gods: "Curam sub corde premebat, Multa gemens, magnoque animum labefactus amore."

Finally, it is not without good grounds that Hippocrates in his book, "De Corde," entitles it a muscle; its action is the same; so is its functions, viz., to contract and move something else in this case the charge of the blood. Farther, we can infer the action and use of the heart from the arrangement of its fibres and its general structures, as in muscles generally.

Such is the force of habit. The void sometimes has the same effect as its opposite. Est pro corde locus. The fowl whose brain has been removed, will nevertheless, under the influence of certain stimulants, continue to scratch its beak. I endeavoured, therefore, on leaving St. Sulpice to remain as much of a St. Sulpice man as possible.

When all this is readie, the corde wherewith the litter was caried, is throwen by a long rope into the fire: as many as are present striue to take the rope in their handes, vsing their aforesayd clamours, which done, they goe in procession as it were round about the quadrangle thrise.

Carbourd has suffered too much the galleys, the corde, the triangle, everything but the guillotine. Carbourd has a wife and children ah, yes, you know all about it. You remember that letter she sent: I can recall every word; can you?" The girl paused, and then with a rapt sympathy in her face repeated slowly: "I am ill, and our children cry for food.

That is what I think would be well for me to do, supposing all things remain as they are and God preserves my health and strength. It will not do to verify all Poitier's lugubrious congratulation to his children in the Vaudeville on their marriage: "Ji! Ji! mariez-vous, Mettez-vous dans la misère! Ji! Ji! mariez-vous, Mettez-vous la corde au cou."

Luce non grata fruor; Trepidante semper corde, non mortis metu Sed Seneca: Octavia, act i.