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In the meanwhile, the method I have observed towards those who have been brought before me as Christians is this: I asked them whether they were Christians; if they admitted it, I repeated the question twice, and threatened them with punishment; if they persisted, I ordered them to be at once punished: for I was persuaded, whatever the nature of their opinions might be, a contumacious and inflexible obstinacy certainly deserved correction.

Here, perceiving that he was about to put his heinous threat into execution, I arose. "Enough!" quoth I, buttoning my coat. "Now let Olympus shake, the caverns of ocean roar, the round earth tremble! If you have fists, prepare to use them now come on, pestiferous peasant, most contumacious clod, and 'damned be he that first cries Hold enough'!" "Well, drown'd me!" exclaimed the ostler, staring.

Anne's into a compliance with the commands which I had laid upon her, and to secure the delivery of a contumacious ward of the crown, he had pretended to use force, having, however, no idea of carrying his threats into effect.

The contumacious Duke was obliged to fly his country; deposed, or, to begin with, suspended, a Brother of his being put in as interim Duke: and the Unique of Husbands and paragon of Mismanaging Dukes lives about Dantzig ever since, on a Pension allowed him by his interim Brother; contumacious to the last; and still stirring up strife, though now with diminished means, Uncle Peter being now dead, and Russian help much cut off.

"Appear, Abbot of Blossholme, and give account of these doings. And you fellows," he added to his escort, "range up and be ready, lest this said priest should prove contumacious." Now the Abbot stepped forward with some of his monks and, looking the horseman up and down, said "Who may it be that demands account so roughly of a consecrated Abbot?" "A consecrated Abbot?

"Well, Mr Thumble?" she said again; and then she stood looking at the man who had failed so disastrously. "I have explained to the bishop," said he. "Mr Crawley has been contumacious, very contumacious indeed." "But you preached at Hogglestock?" "No, indeed, Mrs Proudie. Nor would it have been possible, unless I had had the police to assist me." "Then you should have had the police.

See how green it looks off to the south," she hastened to add, brushing her hand across her eyes. An hour after dinner, as Sir Bryan still labored at that contumacious grave, his hostess came and seated herself upon the rock, whence he, in the first flush of triumph, had surveyed the dead bear.

But the patriarch Nicholas refused his blessing: the Imperial baptism of the young prince was obtained by a promise of separation; and the contumacious husband of Zoe was excluded from the communion of the faithful.

Duke still declines obeying Kaiser; asserts that "he is himself in such matter the sovereign:" Kaiser fulminates what of rusty thunder he has about him; to which the Duke, flung on his back by it, still continues contumacious in mind and tongue: and so between thunder and contumacy, as between hammer and stithy, the poor Country writhes painfully ever since, and is an affliction to everybody near it.

If found guilty, upon trial, he was to be adjudged by the court to quit the Province, and if he still proved contumacious he was to be deemed guilty of felony, and to suffer death as a felon, without benefit of clergy.