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Jacques Coeur was accused "of having sold arms to the infidels, of having coined light crowns, of having pressed on board of his vessels, at Montpellier, several individuals, of whom one had thrown himself into the sea from desperation, and lastly of having appropriated to himself presents made to the king, in several towns of Languedoc, and of having practised in that country frequent exaction, to the prejudice of the king as well as of his subjects."

The first sign of approaching land was by seeing certain birds, which they knew to be of India; the second was some sedges and boughs of palm-trees; the third was snakes swimming at the surface of the water, and a certain substance which they called money, as round and broad as a groat-piece, and wonderfully printed or stamped by nature, as if it had been coined money.

Then receiving some presents from him, he returned him others of greater value, and to complete his bounty, gave him in money ready coined one thousand talents; at which his old friends were much displeased, but it gained him the hearts of many of the barbarians.

Middleton might have secured more than he did for the gold pieces, all coined at Bagdad in the early caliphates and very valuable. But he disposed of them in a lump to a French gentleman on La Salle Street for fourteen hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Gold and silver, coined by the government mint at Philadelphia, were seldom demanded in ordinary business transactions, though coin or bullion still remained the redemption money of the banks and served as the basis of exchange with foreign countries. The South had preached free trade since 1828.

Although that movement was defeated, its supporters urged that, if the Government could not supply additional note issues, it should at least permit an increase in the stock of coined money. This feeling was so strong that as early as 1877 the House had passed a bill for the free coinage of silver.

The sea-kong did by the land what he had been accustomed to do by the plunder: he parcelled it out among his faithful followers fideles giving to each his share of the territory. This was called feoh by the Anglo-Saxons, who were the first to carry out the system on British soil, as Dr. Lingard shows. Thus the word fief was coined, which in due time took its place in all the languages of Europe.

That all silver bullion brought to the mints should be coined into dollars without cost to the bringer. This was "free coinage of silver." The House passed the bill, but the Senate rejected the "free coinage" provision and substituted the "Allison" amendment.

'Impossible, sir, impossible, said Mannering, making his escape from him. 'Pro-di-gi-ous! again exclaimed Sampson, following to the head of the stairs, still holding out the purse. 'But as touching this coined money Mannering escaped downstairs as fast as possible. 'Pro-di-gi-ous! exclaimed Dominie Sampson, yet the third time, now standing at the front door. 'But as touching this specie

They actually went in a covered wagon to Ohio for it and hauled it home, all silver, in a box. This silver was nearly all foreign coin. Prior to that time but a few million dollars had been coined by the United States Government. Grandfather Baker had accumulated his money by marketing small things in Cincinnati, twenty-five miles distant.