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Updated: August 10, 2024

"Cock-a-doodle-do," cried the bird again. "Mew," replied the kitten, this time with a note of anger in his voice. "COCK-A-DOODLE," screamed the bird, evidently in a violent temper. "Mew," said the kitten again, in a tone of remonstrance. The remaining syllable of his war-cry and the kitten's reply were cut short by my mother, who put her fingers to her ears, and said: "And the cock crowed thrice.

"You stand here by the rose bush, I'll shoo the rooster up to you, then you can lasso him." "All right!" cried Bunny, swinging the piece of clothes line around his head as he had seen the cowboys do in the show. "Cock-a-doodle-do!" crowed the rooster, and then he made a funny gurgling noise, as he saw Sue running toward him.

She sat down and cried with rage and sorrow. She had meant to be so good; but it was very hard when people were so horrid! However she heard a cock-a-doodle-do from the hen-house, and ran off there, forgetting her troubles. She was greeted by a chorus of melodious voices. They made such a noise that they woke my Lady out of her comfortable early-morning doze. Lucky had laid an immense egg.

It's cock-a-doodle-do, I've cotched a husband, cock-a-doodle-doo, wi' 'em. I've no patience wi' such like; I beg, Sylvie, thou'lt not get too thick wi' Molly. She's not pretty behaved, making such an ado about men-kind, as if they were two-headed calves to be run after. 'But Molly's a good-hearted lass, mother.

As Rebecca Mary lay and waited for her camomile tea she was certain she could hear him stepping about under the window. Once he came directly under and "crew," and then Rebecca Mary hid her head in the pillow for he was letting it out. "Cock-a-doodle-do ooo, did-you-see-me-swoo-oo-OOP-it-up?" crowed Thomas Jefferson, under the window.

Then I will swagger, too, with anxious heart, with mingled fear and hope. But why why, seeing that in Tommy they admire it, do they wait for me with imitations of cock-a-doodle-do, strut beside me mimicking a pouter pigeon? Is it Dicky's playfulness? Dicky, who runs away with their balls, snatches their caps from off their heads, springs upon their backs when they are least expecting it?

It's cock-a-doodle-do, I've cotched a husband, cock-a-doodle-doo, wi' 'em. I've no patience wi' such like; I beg, Sylvie, thou'lt not get too thick wi' Molly. She's not pretty behaved, making such an ado about men-kind, as if they were two-headed calves to be run after. 'But Molly's a good-hearted lass, mother.

"Now, don't vote for me or for Henderson, vote for the best measures for the country. "When there's a swell bloke like you in the field." "Pip! pip! Hooray! Cock-a-doodle-do!" came the chorus. The "Pip! pip!" was a new sound to them, having been introduced to represent the noise made by the propulsion of a motor-car, in which set the candidate shone.

"I think, my dears, as Peter was born on a " My mother's speech was interrupted by an exultant "Cock-a-doodle-do." "That horrid fowl again!" exclaimed my mother. The cock in question was the property of a neighbor, and was a most annoying bird. Even my kitten was disturbed by the defiant note. "M-e-w?" said he, in a meek interrogative, as much as to say, "What is that dreadful noise?"

To which Martin answered, "Theophilus Thistle, the thistle-sifter, sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles; and if Theophilus oh, I won't say any more!" Then she said, "Quira-holata silhoa mari changa changa." "Cock-a-doodle-do!" cried Martin, getting tired and impatient. "Baa, baa, black sheep, bow, wow, wow; goosey, goosey gander; see-saw, Mary Daw; chick-a-dee-dee, will you listen to me.

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