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Scenery and natural history of upper Soane valley Hardwickia binata Bhel fruit Dust-storm Alligator Catechu Cochlospermum Leaf-bellows Scorpions Tortoises Florican Limestone spheres Coles Tiger-hunt Robbery. In the evening we returned to our tamarind tree, and the next morning regained the trunk road, following it to the dawk bungalow of Doomree.

Her husband cut the trees in the forest and dragged them to the hut, but at this time he was sick, and her only boy, her future stay, it was, whom the beast had devoured. This province is famous for the quantity of catechu its dry forests yield. The Butea frondosa was abundantly in flower here, and a gorgeous sight.

At Rangamally, the height of the sandy banks of the Teesta varies from fifteen to twenty feet. The west bank was covered with a small Sal forest, mixed with Acacia Catechu, and brushwood, growing in a poor vegetable loam, over very dry sand. This information we had from a police Jemadar, who has resided many years on this unhealthy spot, and annually suffers from fever.

A fern, growing by the roadside, was the first and most tangible evidence of this; together with the rarity or total absence of Butea, Boswellia, Catechu, Grislea, Carissa, and all the companions of my former excursion. Purnea is a large station, and considered very unhealthy during and after the rains.

The trunks were from six to eight inches only in diameter, though the sheath of green leaves that sprang from their summits was nearly forty feet from the ground. They were indeed elegant trees. Mr Hooker, when he saw them, said they were the pinang, or betel-nut palm Areca catechu. We found the nuts growing from a stalk hanging down in the centre, forming a loose conical cluster.

When all unpleasant smell is removed, the mouth should be bathed with a lotion composed of equal parts of tincture of myrrh and water, or half an ounce of alum dissolved in a quart of water, and two ounces of the tincture of catechu added to the solution. I do not recollect a case in the horse or dog, in which these medicines were not employed with advantage.

Wherever the alluvium is deep on these hills, neither Catechu, Olibanum, Butea, Terminalia, Diospyros, dwarf-palm, or any of those plants are to be met with, which abound wherever the rock is superficial, and irrespectively of its mineral characters. The gum-arabic Acacia is abundant here, though not seen below, and very rare to the eastward of this meridian, for I saw but little of it in Behar.

In such an emergency, lose no time, but give two or three ounces of Castor-oil with flour-gruel, or two ounces of salts at a dose, followed with small draughts of oak-bark tea; or give, twice a day, one of the following powders: pulverized catechu, opium, and Jamaca ginger, of each half an ounce; prepared chalk, one ounce; mix, and divide into twelve powders.

The holy fig, the rudaraksha, the rohitaka, the cane and the jujube, the catechu, the sirisha, the bel and the inguda and the karira and pilu and sami trees grew on the banks of the Saraswati.

The cause and the result of the treatment are often obscure. Bleeding, purging, and counter irritation, would be indicated to a certain extent, but the lowering system must not be carried too far. The medicine would probably be catechu, uva ursi, and opium. At times blood mingles with the urine, with or without coagulation. The cause and the source of it may or may not be determined.