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Updated: August 14, 2024

In only one of our cases was catalepsy definitely present without resistiveness, and in one other a “tendency to catalepsywas noted without muscular rigidity being observed. In this latter case, when the catalepsy became unquestionable, resistiveness also appeared. It is one thing to note this coexistence and another to explain it adequately.

To realize fully the dangers and the evils attendant upon hypnotism you must understand the three stages through which the patient is made to pass those of lethargy, catalepsy, and somnambulism. Each of these is a disease in itself, and thus it is seen at once that a treatment which employs diseases as its means of cure must be of a dangerous kind.

"The next night a similar attempt is made, though the house is full of wakeful people; and though there are on watch in the room and around it a detective officer, a trained nurse, an earnest friend, and the man's own daughter. The nurse is thrown into a catalepsy, and the watching friend though protected by a respirator into a deep sleep.

As we have seen, the benign stupors are characterized by apathy, inactivity, mutism, a thinking disorder, catalepsy and negativism. All these symptoms are also found in the stupors occurring in dementia præcox. In fact this symptom complex has usually been regarded as occurring only in a malignant setting. There can be no question about the resemblance of benign to dementia præcox stupors.

The most serious symptom had supervened a day or two before the marriage. Louis had had some well-marked attacks of catalepsy. He had once remained motionless for fifty-nine hours, his eyes staring, neither speaking nor eating; a purely nervous affection, to which persons under the influence of violent passion are liable; a rare malady, but perfectly well known to the medical faculty.

The doctor then took each one and subjected him to a separate physical test, such as sealing the eyes, fastening the hands, stiffening the fingers, arms, and legs, producing partial catalepsy and causing stuttering and inability to speak.

"Dash it all, Challenger, you don't mean to believe that those folk were asleep with their staring eyes and stiff limbs and that awful death grin on their faces!" "It can only have been the condition that is called catalepsy," said Challenger. "It has been a rare phenomenon in the past and has constantly been mistaken for death.

He was a pleasant-faced man of thirty, perhaps, with a pointed flaxen beard, and a clasp of gold at the neck of his violet robe. "Yes," said Graham. "You have been asleep some time. In a cataleptic trance. You have heard? Catalepsy? It may seem strange to you at first, but I can assure you everything is well." Graham did not answer, but these words served their reassuring purpose.

Once or twice she thought, "Perhaps in a few days more, Maurice will be passing over this very line; he will be disappointed when he reaches home and finds that we are gone;" but all her meditations were dreamy and unreal her mind acted mechanically. A kind of moral catalepsy benumbed her.

"Having a debauch, you mean? No; I think not. There would then have probably been some reflex action of the nerves. This is not that kind of exhaustion; and it is more than mere trance or catalepsy; it seems the extremest suspensory condition, and that in a young man of such apparent health is very remarkable.

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