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Updated: August 26, 2024

It seems that a year or so ago he inherited eleven thousand dollars. He invested half of the money in copper and made quite a little on the deal. Then, a short while before Carwell died, he got Blossom to lend him some money, which he was to pay back inside of a month or two. When Carwell's death occurred, Blossom was in financial difficulties on account of the demands of Morocco Kate.

They're going to have an inquest to find out more about Mr. Carwell's death. That's all I know. I'm from police headquarters. I was told to wait around here, as you were expected, and to serve that on you. Don't forget to be there. It's a court order," and the man slunk away. "An inquest," murmured Bartlett, as he looked at the paper in his hand.

"And while I feel, as you do, about Jean, still it is a clew that must not be overlooked. I'll tell Colonel Ashley." "I fancy he knows it already," said LeGrand Blossom. "There isn't much that escapes that fisherman." When LeGrand Blossom had taken his departure, carrying with him the books and papers, he left behind two very disconsolate persons. "It's terrible!" exclaimed Mr. Carwell's sister.

Before he bought the big car and the yacht he carried a good balance. But I told him " "Never mind what you told him or he told you. That is not admissible under the circumstances. Just tell what you know." "Well, then I know that Mr. Carwell's affairs were in bad shape, and that he was trying to raise some ready cash." "How do you know this?"

Just one of the few mistakes he made." "Fine work on your part, Colonel." "As for Captain Poland, the money transactions did look a bit queer, but we've since found the receipt and it's all right. A new clerk in Carwell's office had mislaid it. It wasn't Blossom's fault, either. He's a weak chap, but not morally bad. The worst thing he did was to fall for Morocco Kate.

I wonder if she is just beginning her game, or if this is merely a phase of it, started before Mr. Carwell's death? Another link added to the puzzle." He was still pondering over this when he reached the captain's home. It was a rather elaborate summer "cottage," with magnificent grounds, and the captain's mother kept house for him.

"If you will be so good," returned Viola, and she got the bundle of bills some relating to Mr. Carwell's funeral and others that had been mailed to the house instead of to the office. The colonel might have sent Shag to purchase the shedder crabs he was going to use for bait that day in fishing in the inlet, and the colored servant might have left the bills.

He may want to be backed up by the verdict of twelve men before taking any action." "But if Mr. Carwell's death was due to suicide who can be held guilty but himself?" "No one. But I thought you said there was a doubt as to its being suicide," commented the detective. "Miss Carwell doubts," returned Bartlett; "and I admit that it does seem strange that a man of Mr.

Then, too, something new has cropped up about that old Bartlett deal." "You mean the one over which Harry's uncle and Mr. Carwell had such a fuss?" "Yes. Mr. Carwell's never got over that. And there are rumors that he lost quite a sum in a business transaction with Captain Poland." "Oh, dear!" sighed the girl. "Isn't business horrid! I'm glad I'm not a man. But what is this about Captain Poland?"

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