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As Harry Bartlett turned aside, waving back the curiosity seekers that were already leaving the former scene of excitement for the latest, LeGrand Blossom came up. He seemed very cool and not at all excited, considering what had happened. "I will look after Miss Carwell," he said. "Perhaps you had better see to Mr. Carwell Mr. Carwell's remains, Blossom," suggested Captain Poland.

I heard it rumored, in more than one quarter, that Viola strongly disapproved of her father's sporty life, and it was said she had stated that she would rather see him dead than disgraced. Which was natural enough. I've said that myself many a time about friends. "Jean found Miss Carwell's library card, and took out the poison book in her name, afterward anonymously sending me word about it.

"I'm not so sure of that," was the laughing and good-natured reply. There was silence in the gallery while the players made ready for the last hole. There was a sharp impact as Mr. Carwell's driver struck the little white ball and sent it sailing in a graceful curve well toward the last hole. "A marvelous shot!" exclaimed Captain Poland. "On the green again!

As the latter would have the conducting of the case for the state in case it came to a trial in the upper courts, Mr. Stryker saw to it that legal forms were followed in the selection of a jury and the swearing in of the members of the panel. Then began the taking of testimony. The doctors told of the finding of evidences of poison in Mr. Carwell's body.

Viola was an only child, her mother having died when she was about sixteen, and since then Mr. Carwell's maiden sister had kept watch and ward over the handsome home, The Haven. Viola, though loving her father with the natural affection of a daughter and some of the love she had lavished on her mother, was not altogether in sympathy with the sporting proclivities of Mr. Carwell.

"Why didn't Mr. Blossom attend to this?" asked Captain Poland, a bit sharply, it would have seemed to a casual listener. "That was his place. He knows all about Mr. Carwell's affairs." "I asked the clerk from the office why Mr. Blossom did you ever hear such an absurd name as he has? LeGrand Blossom I asked the clerk why the matter was not attended to," went on Miss Carwell, "and he said Mr.

"I shall be glad when matters can proceed as they ought to proceed. This publicity is very distasteful to me." "I can readily believe that, Miss Carwell. And now, if you will ask Miss Viola if I may be of any service to her, I shall " "Before I call her, there is one matter I wish to ask you about," said Mr. Carwell's sister. "You are familiar with business, I know. I was going to ask Mr.

Carwell's sister, Miss Mary, keeps The Haven up to date for him. You've been there?" "Once, at a reception. I'm not on the regular calling list, though Miss Viola is pretty enough to " "Look out!" suddenly cried Sharwell, as though appealing to the two automobilists, far off as they were. For the yellow car made a sudden swerve and seemed about to turn turtle.

I know nothing more in this respect than Miss Carwell told me," and he bowed to indicate the dead man's sister. "I offered to see to the matter for her, putting up some collateral of my own until Mr. Carwell's affairs could be straightened out. It is a mere technicality, I imagine, and can have nothing to do with with the present matter, even though Miss Webb seems to think so."

"Now if you'll tell me the best hotel to stop at here," said the colonel, as they alighted from the train, "I'll put up there and see Miss Carwell." "She requested me to bring you at once to her home," said Bartlett. "You are to be her guest. She thought perhaps you would want to examine the to see Mr. Carwell's body before " "Oh, yes. I suppose I had better. Then the funeral has not been held?"