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Well she knew that now was the time to defend herself from a summer of grumbling as continuous as the swish of waves on the shore; and well she knew also her companion's verbally unexpressed but intense devotion to herself which made any prospect of their separation a panic. So she waited and Pearl purred. One Mr. Lugubrious Blue flits through the drawings of a certain famous cartoonist. Mr.

You'll know it by the crepe on the door." As the two men melted into the darkness we closed the door reluctantly against the soft spring air. Strange that we had found prairie life dull! One morning soon after the unexpected appearance of the Milwaukee cartoonist I awoke to find the prairie in blossom.

Day after day the ground was prepared for open intervention in the interests of the oppressed Cubans. There was more than grim humor in the instructions which a great newspaper publisher is reported to have sent his cartoonist in Cuba, "You provide the pictures; we'll furnish the war." It has not been settled to this day whether the Maine was blown up from without or within.

Feeling and imagery, we know, are very susceptible to the influences of the symbol, and also to the phrase which is a lower order of symbol. Dramatic representation, all pageantry, pictorial art, music, even the art of the poster artist and the cartoonist have a place in the work of portraying country as an ideal object, and inspiring devotion to it and its causes.

John Tenniel had already, it is true, replaced him for several years as the political cartoonist of Punch. How admirably he has always filled that post, then and ever since, and how great his fame is, I need not speak of here.

And sure enough there was the crowd standing room only, to hear the governor and see the great cartoonist J. T. McCutcheon of the Chicago Tribune. For three evenings and two days the big hall is crowded with patrons, pupils and teachers from the towns and country round.

On his way home that night Morris consulted an evening paper, and when he turned to the sporting page he found the upper halves of seven columns effaced by a huge illustration executed in the best style of Jig, the Sporting Cartoonist.

"Holy cat!" shouted the cartoonist "Poison gas!" "Nix!" said Bleak, revealing Quimbleton's secret in his excitement. "Gooseberry bombs. Every chuff that inhales it will be properly soused. Oh, boy, some story! Look at the Bish! He's got a snootful already his face has turned black!"

I just amuse myself with it." "Yes. But what amuses you might amuse other people. There's all too few amusing things in the world. Your mother was a smart woman, Fanny. The smartest I ever knew." "There's no money in it, even if I were to get on with it. What could I do with it? Who ever heard of a woman cartoonist! And I couldn't illustrate. Those pink cheesecloth pictures the magazines use.

The cartoonist knows the unconquerable spirit of humor with which the American meets his desperate situations; for he puts into the soldier's mouth words that show that although he may have more of a job than he bargained for, he can joke with his buddie about it.