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But I guess we appeared about as well as she did. I could see she was afraid of you, Christine. I reckon it's gittun' around a little about father; and when it does I don't believe we shall want for callers. Say, are you goun'? To that concert of theirs?" "I don't know. Not till I know who they are first." "Well, we've got to hump ourselves if we're goun' to find out before Tuesday."

After a half hour's talk with him, unseasonable callers were likely to withdraw, perhaps into the pantry, whither Amelia had retreated to escape catechism, and remark jovially, "Well, 'Melia, you ain't told us who your company is!" "Mr. Willis," said Amelia. She was emulating his habit of reserve. It made a part of her new loyalty.

Nothing could be more unlike than Russia and Japan! one is a great oil painting, tragic, majestic, grand, while the other is an exquisitely dainty water color full of sunshine and flowers. Callers have come so I must close. Life is a very pretty game after all, especially when you get wise enough to look on. VLADIVOSTOCK, SIBERIA, September 1, 1902.

She said that her husband was absent on a journey, and a letter addressed to "Mrs. Eliza Wharton" was to be seen on her table when she received callers. Once a stranger paused at her door and read the name thereon. As he passed on the woman groaned, "I am undone!"

"But, m'sieur, everyone in society has many. What does m'sieur mean?" "Frequent callers a Mr. Lawrence, for instance?" "Oh, yes, Mr. Lawrence frequently." "When Mr. Close was at home?" "Yes, on business and on business, too, when he was not at home. He is the attorney, m'sieur." "How did Mrs. Close receive him?" "He is the attorney, m'sieur," Marie repeated persistently.

Now upon the Sundays God sendeth his husbandmen to come and till; he sendeth his callers to come and call to the wedding, to bid the guests; that is, all the world to come to that supper. Therefore, for the reverence of God, consider these things: consider who calleth, namely, God; consider again who be the guests; all ye.

Burroughs was among the callers, and had just come over from the hospital. He had had no addition to the list of patients. "On the contrary," said he, "I have a man who might go to duty to-night were there need, and that is Miss Loomis's patient, Brannan." "Oh, do tell us about that, Mr. Davies," appealed Mrs.

The wrens liked the idea and the sparrows did not, so we have been able to have the wrens nest in peace. In summer we leave cherries on the trees and strawberries open in the beds, and I think that we have not only more but also more different kinds of bird callers than anywhere else in the northern states.

Now you must know who was this feast-maker, and who was his son, and to whom he was married; and who were those that should be called, and who were the callers; how they behaved themselves, and how the guests behaved themselves towards them that called them. Now this marriage-maker, or feast-maker, is Almighty God.

Some of her Brooklyn calls she returned out of a positive liking for good old friends, some because the callers were those who could introduce her to people she desired to know in New York. She excused herself from calling on the most of her trans-East-River acquaintances by urging that it is so much farther from New York to Brooklyn than it is from Brooklyn to New York, you know.