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Some verses are wanting at the end of the book , but Cornutus thoughtlessly recited it, as if it was finished; and on Caesius Bassus requesting to be allowed to publish it, he delivered it to him for that purpose., In his younger days, Persius had written a play, as well as an Itinerary, with several copies of verses on Thraseas' father-in-law, and Arria's mother, who had made away with herself before her husband.

At any rate it did not appear until after his death, when his friend Caesius Bassus undertook to bring it out; so that we may fairly regard it as a collection of youthful reflections as to the advisability of publishing which the poet had not yet made up his mind, and perhaps had he lived would have suppressed.

BRAMBLE. Produces a black insipid fruit, but which is used by the poor people for tarts and to form a made wine: when mixt with the juice of sloes it is rendered very palatable. RUBUS caesius. Is a dwarf kind of bramble, and produces fruit of a pleasant acid, and where it grows in plenty it is used by the poor people for pies and other purposes of domestic oeconomy. SALIX Russelliana.

The gentle and delicate boy won the hearts of all who knew him. When he died, at the age of twenty-eight, a little book of six satires, which he had written with much effort and at long intervals, was retouched by his master, the Stoic philosopher Cornutus, and published by another friend, Caesius Bassus, himself a poet of some reputation.

In the same way, the duovirs of the next year, C. Messienus and P. Cornelius, belong, the one to Praeneste, the other to the colonists, and just such an arrangement is also found in the aediles, Sex. Caesius being a Praenestine , L. Nassius a colonist.

I entreat likewise the same privilege in favour of Epigonus and Mithridates, the two sons of Chrysippus; but with this restriction' that they may remain under the dominion of their father, and yet reserve their right of patronage over their own freedmen. I further entreat you to grant the full privileges of a Roman to L. Satrius Abascantius, P. Caesius Phosphorus, and Pancharia Soteris.

Another poet, in this period, was FABRICIUS VEIENTO, who wrote a severe satire against the priests of his time; as also one against the senators, for corruption in their judicial capacity. Nothing remains of either of those productions; but, for the latter, the author was banished by Nero. There now likewise flourished a lyric poet, CAESIUS BASSUS, to whom Persius has addressed his sixth satire.

"Of lyricists Horace is, I may say, the only one worth reading; for he sometimes rises, and he is always full of sweetness and grace, and most happily daring in figures and expressions. If any one else be added, it must be Caesius Bassus, whom we have lately seen, but there are living lyricists far greater than he.

DANDELION. Leontodum Taraxacum. This is a good salad when blanched in the spring. The French, who eat more vegetables than our country people do, use this in the spring as a common dish: it is similar to endive in taste. DEWBERRY. Rubus caesius.

Among his earliest friends were Caesius Bassus , and Calpurnius Statura; the latter of whom died while Persius himself was yet in his youth. Servilius Numanus , he reverenced as a father. Through Cornutus he was introduced to Annaeus, as well as to Lucan, who was of his own age, and also a disciple of Cornutus.